How to Register to this forum [Registration needs to be Approved!]

Started by ron77, Dec 28, 2024, 09:11 AM

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As of now, the new member's registration has to be approved due to Fake Account registration by SpamBots and Spammers...

So, if you are interested in registering for this forum, register. Still, after that, you must send a request by e-mail with your info, including a valid e-mail, and tell us a bit about yourself, why you wish to join this forum, and what your interests are to the following email address. Don't forget to mention the nickname that you registered with. If you are approved, we'll send you the email you contacted us, stating that you are now approved. You can log in to the forum with the password, and members nick you registered with - if you try to register but do not email us, you WILL NOT be approved, and your registration will be deleted in 60 days:

Registration Requests Email Address

Thank you for your Understanding...