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Snakey gradient thing!

Started by ZXDunny, Jun 24, 2023, 10:27 AM

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There was a post on reddit (which I can't find now) where a dude was asking for an algorithm to recreate a sin-wavy kinda gradient effect. Obviously intrigued, I followed some suggested links and converted a similar effect to SpecBAS!

Here's the result:

Which is quite nice :)

And the code:

10 paper 0: cls: screen lock:
   for i=1 to 8:
      read j:
      palette k,j:
      rainbow (i-1)*32 to k:
   next i:
   rainbow 0 to 32:
   data $0,$FF0000,$FCAB29,$FD9C8A,$F541DB,$6075FE,$02F3FF,$FFFFFF
20 tp=400,ip=255/tp,t=0
30 t+=2:
   for i=0 to tp -1:
      circle ink i*ip;scrw*(.5+.3*sin((i+t)/50)),i,50 fill:
   next i:
   wait screen:
   GO To 30

It's quite short but I'm sure you'll agree it's a lovely effect! Basically I forgot to CLS, which is why it looks the way it does.

That is all.


Quote from: ZXDunny on Jun 24, 2023, 10:27 AMThere was a post on reddit (which I can't find now) where a dude was asking for an algorithm to recreate a sin-wavy kinda gradient effect. Obviously intrigued, I followed some suggested links and converted a similar effect to SpecBAS!


Oh man, I can veg out all day watching that.  Wickedly awesome.