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⚗ Testing: POLYGON macro and support library

Started by CharlieJV, Aug 18, 2023, 10:51 PM

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May your journey be free of incident.  Live long and prosper.


I've made a few improvements, and I've updated that blog entry accordingly.


I found an interesting feature of QB's paint command. The "fill" can be textured... Specifying the 8 bit fill pattern like...  tile$ = chr$(n0) + chr$.... chr$(n7) then adding it to the paint command like... paint(x,y), tile$

CIRCLE (106, 100), 75, 1
LINE (138, 35)-(288, 165), 1, B
tile$ = chr$(255)+chr$(0)+chr$(255)+chr$(0)+chr$(255)+chr$(0)+chr$(255)+chr$(0)
PAINT (160, 100), tile$

You cannot view this attachment.

Would this be useful for BAM and could it be added?
May your journey be free of incident.  Live long and prosper.


Quote from: johnno56 on Aug 20, 2023, 08:40 PMI found an interesting feature of QB's paint command. The "fill" can be textured... Specifying the 8 bit fill pattern like...  tile$ = chr$(n0) + chr$.... chr$(n7) then adding it to the paint command like... paint(x,y), tile$

CIRCLE (106, 100), 75, 1
LINE (138, 35)-(288, 165), 1, B
tile$ = chr$(255)+chr$(0)+chr$(255)+chr$(0)+chr$(255)+chr$(0)+chr$(255)+chr$(0)
PAINT (160, 100), tile$

You cannot view this attachment.

Would this be useful for BAM and could it be added?

Yeah, I've been eyeballing that for the last 6 months or so, letting the subconscious mind get back to me with an easy way to set that up.

It is a very sweet feature.


Textured fills are the best. You should definitely add them in.


Quote from: ZXDunny on Aug 20, 2023, 11:04 PMTextured fills are the best. You should definitely add them in.

The hamster in the back of my sponge was subconsciously and quietly spinning away at it.

Now I think I can hear the wheel a squeakin'.


Ho, ho... Now you are showing off!! Very cool indeed! Looking forward to the next hamster-inspired creation!  :o
May your journey be free of incident.  Live long and prosper.