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an idea for a new type of game - MindGame

Started by ron77_db, Apr 03, 2022, 06:24 AM

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hello, I would like to share with you my thoughts about a game I'm was thinking of maybe one-day making:

1. a different philosophy - a different type of game.

first of all, I was thinking about making a game completely different than the types of games we have today in general - possibly a new type of game genera "A Mind Game". today's games are graphical 2d or 3d and they seem to take the player into virtual made-up reality - as a form of escape from the harsh reality into a fictional one so the player is distracted from his inner own reality or his mental and inner world... most games do not try to teach or change the player insights about himself or the players real life nor do they try to challenge the player's beliefs and view on his own reality/world/life, etc...

I wish to make some sort of a game that instead of taking the player into some imaginary world to perform some kind of escapism gameplay will force the player to invest his time and effort to deal and examine and possibly educate or do some sort of soul searching - a game that will force the player to change or review his point of view on his life and own reality - not to escape from his reality but to re-connect to his own reality and life AND POSSIBLE MAKE A DIFFERENCE OR CHANGE FOR THE THE BETTER...

2. basic rules of the game.

1) the player has the option to quit the game at any given time ALWAYS NO MATTER WHAT - this is for safety and decency - the player is in control ALWAYS and can quit at any time when he/she desires it for any reason.

2) the game is a mental process that requires an investment by the player of time and thought - the player is asked to clear time at a particular hour of the day each day for a matter of a week up to one month for "gamePlay" and in each day the game changes if the player doesn't want or can't invest his time into the game then "game over."

3) the game is a non-graphical text game with sound and music and opens URLs to videos. no fancy graphics but a simple, plain, straightforward scenario interface

4) at the beginning of the game, the player is asked about his personal views and beliefs on life and reality - what happens next is the game will give the player scenarios that challenge his opinions and beliefs, and in each scenario the player is asked what he would do after that the results of his choices will be revealed

5) the player is asked constantly to give feedback on his opinions and thoughts about the game all through the game

6) the purpose of the game sessions and of the whole game is to try and change the fixed views and beliefs of the player about himself and his life with the intent to teach some life wisdom and positive compassionate beliefs - the player has a choice whether to accept them or not...

3. warnings

- this type of game is not safe for under 18 aged players as well it can be manipulated for evil purposes - there for the player MUST always have the choice to quit immediately the game and end it

- this is clearly not a fun game to play as people and gamers don't like games that mess around with their psychology and mind there for it is a game for the few willing to take a risk or the challenge...


what do you think about this?

P.S. - hello...

well after a few days to think of it, the above post seems a bit vague and ambitious - I think instead of calling it "mind game" it should be more of a "scenario - what if - game" anyway made a quit demo of a game (it's not really a game but more of an educational scenario program)

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