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Ski Slope Challenge (Charlie's Version)

Started by CharlieJV, Oct 15, 2022, 02:17 AM

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Based on Ski Slope by electricwalrus (2022).

A few tweaks:
  • Physical keyboard: A and L keys for steering left and right
  • Mouse: click on the screen, anywhere on the left or right side of the skier to steer
  • Touch screen (I don't have a device to test): touch on the screen, anywhere on the left or right side of the skier to steer

As you make progress down the ski slope, you ever so slowly find the speed increasing !

BASIC Anywhere Machine program:


As discussed earlier, here is the QB64 version - a few tweaks - but still pretty much as you coded it... Ignore the hideous colours... lol  That was fun...

' Standard Setup Routine

Randomize Timer

' Ideal Screen Size
Screen 9

' Welcome
Color 3
Print "Ski Slope Challange! ";: Color 7: Print "By electricwalrus (2022)"
Color 3: Print "Try to last on this slope as long as possible"
Print "Use the arrow keys to move left and right down the slope"
Color 9: Print "Press any key to begin!"
score = 0
x = 40
player = 40
Color 14, 0: Print "Get Ready!"
_Delay 3
Locate 24, 1
    i = Int(Rnd * 2) + 1
    If i = 1 Then
        x = x - 1
        If x < 10 Then x = 10
    End If
    If i = 2 Then
        x = x + 1
        If x > 70 Then x = 70
    End If
    x2 = x - 10
    Locate 24, 1
    For a = 1 To x2: Print " ";: Next
    Color 11: Print "*                *"
    If _KeyDown(27) Then
    End If
    If _KeyDown(19200) Then player = player - 1
    If _KeyDown(19712) Then player = player + 1
    check = player - x
    If check < -8 Then GoTo endgame
    If check > 7 Then GoTo endgame
    Locate 23, player: Color 10: Print "!!"
    _Delay 0.01
    score = score + 1
    Locate 1, 1: Color 14, 0: Print "SCORE: ";: Color 3, 0: Print score
    _Limit 10

_Delay 1

Locate 1, 1
Color 6
Print "You crashed on the ski-field!"
Print "Score: "; score
Color 15
Print "Try Again in 5 seconds"
_Delay 5
GoTo start
May your journey be free of incident.  Live long and prosper.


Quote from: johnno56 on Oct 15, 2022, 05:21 AMThat was fun...

No kidding!  I really enjoy these quick ports of small BASIC programs to other BASIC programs.

Quick gratification when somebody needs a fix.

Got myself a "TheC64 MINI" a couple of weeks ago.  Talk about good retro gaming and programming fun.


I just looked at the Ad for thec64 mini and I thought, "Now that is a huge joystick". Got curious and fired up the Youtube video. Nope! Not a huge joystick. When they said, "mini", they were not kidding! 50% replica! I wonder if they will do that for the Amstrad CPC464/6128? Now ,those' machines could benefit from being small... Longer than the average keyboard! lol

You will have to let me know what you think of it and how it performs. Not to mention compatibility with the original software... The closest I ever got to a Commodore was briefly using a Vic20...

May your journey be free of incident.  Live long and prosper.


Quote from: johnno56 on Oct 15, 2022, 09:22 PMI just looked at the Ad for thec64 mini and I thought, "Now that is a huge joystick". Got curious and fired up the Youtube video. Nope! Not a huge joystick. When they said, "mini", they were not kidding! 50% replica! I wonder if they will do that for the Amstrad CPC464/6128? Now ,those' machines could benefit from being small... Longer than the average keyboard! lol

You will have to let me know what you think of it and how it performs. Not to mention compatibility with the original software... The closest I ever got to a Commodore was briefly using a Vic20...


TheC64 Mini, TheC64 (fullsize, sometimes referred to as "TheC64 Maxi") and TheVIC20 (also fullsize) are all equal, except:
  • TheC64Mini: keyboard is fake (it would be kind of useless even if it wasn't); it only has two USB ports; it has C64 emulation only
  • TheC64: same size as original C64 with keyboard that does work; has four USB ports; it has C64 and VIC20 emulation
  • TheVIC20: is the same as TheC64, but looks like a VIC20

I've been focused more lately on finding more C64 games to put on a USB Thumbdrive and run.  Flawless so far.

BASIC seems to be working A-1, but I've only dabbled a little.  I haven't yet created a "drive" on my USB Thumbdrive for saving C64 BASIC programs I type in.

Some other software I've downloaded by haven't tried yet: Pinball Construction Set, COBOL, Pascal.

For the giggles, I also want to try some old "productivity" software that was written for the C64.

The emulation on these machines if handled by the VICE emulator.  We can download and install VICE to our modern computers, but I didn't want to bother with the hassle.  Aside from being cute, this TheC64 Mini saves me the hassle of installing VICE.

I picked up a 4-port USB hub so that I can keep the USB Thumbdrive plugged in and also connect a fullsize keyboard for BASIC programming.

There is also a TheA500Mini (Amiga) which looks pretty good.
