The Snowflake program (to test enhancement to the POINT function)

Started by CharlieJV, Nov 06, 2022, 03:14 AM

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Quote from: johnno56 on Nov 06, 2022, 07:23 AMCool... and I even like the colour...


Yup, I'm right into all shades of blue.

LOL? Um, looking at your avatar: my liking of blue is not meant as a "come-on" or anything.  It is an awesome avatar, though.  Just saying?  (Don't mind me: I imagine that kind of awkward moment playing in my mind, and to-me hilarity ensues.  Yeah, sense o' ha-ha is way out there... If I always have a dumb smirk on my face, it is because everything is one degree of separation from some ridiculous ha-ha in my head.)