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ELIZA Chatbot

Started by CharlieJV, Nov 25, 2022, 10:59 PM

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I can remember keying in David Ahls' version, way back in the dark ages, being fascinated with 'talking' to the computer... Some decades later I tried to add a 'voice' for the computer's responses. My knowledge of the tech required was not as good as I had hoped...  But still a great program... Nicely done!!
May your journey be free of incident.  Live long and prosper.


That all came about because somebody was having problems getting that program to run in VICE (x64.exe) , getting an "OUT OF DATA ERROR IN 140".

I'm some glad I jumped in to help.  I wound up discovering that wwwBASIC "au natural" does not raise an error if trying to read data past the last value.

After fixing that in BAM, I wound up figuring out the source code from Github was missing a line, the very last line as found in the AtariArchive link in the BAM code.

The thing I like: being able to get this kind of old program working in BAM without having to change anything (well, pretty sure any implementation of BASIC could run that code without any change.)

Total aside: I left you a private message in your QB64 forum inbox, wondering if my thoughts on laggy CIRCLE performance makes any sense in some BASIC implementations, while CIRCLE zooms along super-quick in other ones.