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Multiple Sounds

Started by johnno56, Nov 30, 2022, 08:11 AM

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Quick question: Is it possible to play sounds using multiple channels?

May your journey be free of incident.  Live long and prosper.


In javascript, no problem.

Not yet implemented in BAM.  It has taken me about 8 months to finally get one channel working right.

I'm likely working towards the PLAY statement and multiple channels, but my approach is a slow and incremental process focused first on getting individual pieces together while understanding the Web Audio API.  (As I often mention, I cannot stand javascript, so it is a slow process not being able to look javascript in the eyeballs for more than short sprints.)


Understood. So, the short answer is... not yet... Cool...
May your journey be free of incident.  Live long and prosper.


I'm hoping to have "non-PLAY" (i.e. the more laborious bunch of sound statements) multiple channels soon.

I really want the ability to play chords.  Side-benefit of multiple sounds effects for gaming too?