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Fast Artificial Neural Network (FANN) Library

Started by ron77_db, May 14, 2022, 08:38 AM

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FANN Lib on GitHub : https://github.com/libfann/fann?ref=hackernoon.com

FANN site : http://leenissen.dk/fann/wp/

download and install the library (i'm on Linux OS)

here is the "fann.bi" header file translated from C header:
#pragma once

#ifdef __FB_WIN32__
    #include once "crt/long.bi"
    #include once "crt/sys/time.bi"

#inclib "fann"
#inclib "floatfann"

#include once "crt/stdio.bi"
#include once "crt/math.bi"
#include once "crt/stdlib.bi"

extern "C"

#define __floatfann_h__
type fann_type as single
#define FANNPRINTF "%.20e"
#define FANNSCANF "%f"

#ifdef __FB_WIN32__
    declare function GetTickCount stdcall() as culong

#define __fann_h__
'const NULL = 0
#define FANN_API
#define __fann_error_h__
const FANN_ERRSTR_MAX = 128

type fann_errno_enum as long
end enum

type fann_error as fann_error_
declare sub fann_set_error_log(byval errdat as fann_error ptr, byval log_file as FILE ptr)
declare function fann_get_errno(byval errdat as fann_error ptr) as fann_errno_enum
declare sub fann_reset_errno(byval errdat as fann_error ptr)
declare sub fann_reset_errstr(byval errdat as fann_error ptr)
declare function fann_get_errstr(byval errdat as fann_error ptr) as zstring ptr
declare sub fann_print_error(byval errdat as fann_error ptr)
extern fann_default_error_log as FILE ptr

#define __fann_activation_h__
#define FANN_EXP(x) expf(x)
#define FANN_SIN_(x) sinf(x)
#define FANN_COS_(x) cosf(x)
#define fann_linear_func(v1, r1, v2, r2, sum) (((((r2) - (r1)) * ((sum) - (v1))) / ((v2) - (v1))) + (r1))
#define fann_stepwise(v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, min, max, sum) iif(sum < v5, iif(sum < v3, iif(sum < v2, iif(sum < v1, min, fann_linear_func(v1, r1, v2, r2, sum)), fann_linear_func(v2, r2, v3, r3, sum)), iif(sum < v4, fann_linear_func(v3, r3, v4, r4, sum), fann_linear_func(v4, r4, v5, r5, sum))), iif(sum < v6, fann_linear_func(v5, r5, v6, r6, sum), max))
#define fann_linear_derive(steepness, value) (steepness)
#define fann_sigmoid_real(sum) (1.0f / (1.0f + FANN_EXP((-2.0f) * sum)))
#define fann_sigmoid_derive(steepness, value) (((2.0f * steepness) * value) * (1.0f - value))
#define fann_sigmoid_symmetric_real(sum) ((2.0f / (1.0f + FANN_EXP((-2.0f) * sum))) - 1.0f)
#define fann_sigmoid_symmetric_derive(steepness, value) (steepness * (1.0f - (value * value)))
#define fann_gaussian_real(sum) FANN_EXP((-sum) * sum)
#define fann_gaussian_derive(steepness, value, sum) (((((-2.0f) * sum) * value) * steepness) * steepness)
#define fann_gaussian_symmetric_real(sum) ((FANN_EXP((-sum) * sum) * 2.0f) - 1.0f)
#define fann_gaussian_symmetric_derive(steepness, value, sum) (((((-2.0f) * sum) * (value + 1.0f)) * steepness) * steepness)
#define fann_elliot_real(sum) ((((sum) / 2.0f) / (1.0f + fann_abs(sum))) + 0.5f)
#define fann_elliot_derive(steepness, value, sum) ((steepness * 1.0f) / ((2.0f * (1.0f + fann_abs(sum))) * (1.0f + fann_abs(sum))))
#define fann_elliot_symmetric_real(sum) ((sum) / (1.0f + fann_abs(sum)))
#define fann_elliot_symmetric_derive(steepness, value, sum) ((steepness * 1.0f) / ((1.0f + fann_abs(sum)) * (1.0f + fann_abs(sum))))
#define fann_sin_symmetric_real(sum) FANN_SIN(sum)
#define fann_sin_symmetric_derive(steepness, sum) (steepness * cos(steepness * sum))
#define fann_cos_symmetric_real(sum) FANN_COS(sum)
#define fann_cos_symmetric_derive(steepness, sum) (steepness * (-sin(steepness * sum)))
#define fann_sin_real(sum) ((FANN_SIN(sum) / 2.0f) + 0.5f)
#define fann_sin_derive(steepness, sum) ((steepness * cos(steepness * sum)) / 2.0f)
#define fann_cos_real(sum) ((FANN_COS(sum) / 2.0f) + 0.5f)
#define fann_cos_derive(steepness, sum) ((steepness * (-sin(steepness * sum))) / 2.0f)
'' TODO: #define fann_activation_switch(activation_function, value, result) switch (activation_function) { case FANN_LINEAR: result = (fann_type)value; break; case FANN_LINEAR_PIECE: result = (fann_type)((value < 0) ? 0 : (value > 1) ? 1 : value); break; case FANN_LINEAR_PIECE_SYMMETRIC: result = (fann_type)((value < -1) ? -1 : (value > 1) ? 1 : value); break; case FANN_SIGMOID: result = (fann_type)fann_sigmoid_real(value); break; case FANN_SIGMOID_SYMMETRIC: result = (fann_type)fann_sigmoid_symmetric_real(value); break; case FANN_SIGMOID_SYMMETRIC_STEPWISE: result = (fann_type)fann_stepwise( ((fann_type)-2.64665293693542480469e+00), ((fann_type)-1.47221934795379638672e+00), ((fann_type)-5.49306154251098632812e-01), ((fann_type)5.49306154251098632812e-01), ((fann_type)1.47221934795379638672e+00), ((fann_type)2.64665293693542480469e+00), ((fann_type)-9.90000009536743164062e-01), ((fann_type)-8.99999976158142089844e-01), ((fann_type)-5.00000000000000000000e-01), ((fann_type)5.00000000000000000000e-01), ((fann_type)8.99999976158142089844e-01), ((fann_type)9.90000009536743164062e-01), -1, 1, value); break; case FANN_SIGMOID_STEPWISE: result = (fann_type)fann_stepwise( ((fann_type)-2.64665246009826660156e+00), ((fann_type)-1.47221946716308593750e+00), ((fann_type)-5.49306154251098632812e-01), ((fann_type)5.49306154251098632812e-01), ((fann_type)1.47221934795379638672e+00), ((fann_type)2.64665293693542480469e+00), ((fann_type)4.99999988824129104614e-03), ((fann_type)5.00000007450580596924e-02), ((fann_type)2.50000000000000000000e-01), ((fann_type)7.50000000000000000000e-01), ((fann_type)9.49999988079071044922e-01), ((fann_type)9.95000004768371582031e-01), 0, 1, value); break; case FANN_THRESHOLD: result = (fann_type)((value < 0) ? 0 : 1); break; case FANN_THRESHOLD_SYMMETRIC: result = (fann_type)((value < 0) ? -1 : 1); break; case FANN_GAUSSIAN: result = (fann_type)fann_gaussian_real(value); break; case FANN_GAUSSIAN_SYMMETRIC: result = (fann_type)fann_gaussian_symmetric_real(value); break; case FANN_ELLIOT: result = (fann_type)fann_elliot_real(value); break; case FANN_ELLIOT_SYMMETRIC: result = (fann_type)fann_elliot_symmetric_real(value); break; case FANN_SIN_SYMMETRIC: result = (fann_type)fann_sin_symmetric_real(value); break; case FANN_COS_SYMMETRIC: result = (fann_type)fann_cos_symmetric_real(value); break; case FANN_SIN: result = (fann_type)fann_sin_real(value); break; case FANN_COS: result = (fann_type)fann_cos_real(value); break; case FANN_GAUSSIAN_STEPWISE: result = 0; break; }
#define __fann_data_h__

type fann_train_enum as long
end enum


type fann_activationfunc_enum as long
end enum

dim shared FANN_ACTIVATIONFUNC_NAMES(0 to ...) as const zstring const ptr = { _

type fann_errorfunc_enum as long
end enum

dim shared FANN_ERRORFUNC_NAMES(0 to ...) as const zstring const ptr = {@"FANN_ERRORFUNC_LINEAR", @"FANN_ERRORFUNC_TANH"}

type fann_stopfunc_enum as long
end enum

dim shared FANN_STOPFUNC_NAMES(0 to ...) as const zstring const ptr = {@"FANN_STOPFUNC_MSE", @"FANN_STOPFUNC_BIT"}

type fann_nettype_enum as long
end enum

dim shared FANN_NETTYPE_NAMES(0 to ...) as const zstring const ptr = {@"FANN_NETTYPE_LAYER", @"FANN_NETTYPE_SHORTCUT"}
type fann as fann_
type fann_train_data as fann_train_data_
type fann_callback_type as function(byval ann as fann ptr, byval train as fann_train_data ptr, byval max_epochs as ulong, byval epochs_between_reports as ulong, byval desired_error as single, byval epochs as ulong) as long

type fann_neuron field = 1
    first_con as ulong
    last_con as ulong
    sum as fann_type
    value as fann_type
    activation_steepness as fann_type
    activation_function as fann_activationfunc_enum
end type

type fann_layer
    first_neuron as fann_neuron ptr
    last_neuron as fann_neuron ptr
end type

type fann_error_
    errno_f as fann_errno_enum
    error_log as FILE ptr
    errstr as zstring ptr
end type

type fann_
    errno_f as fann_errno_enum
    error_log as FILE ptr
    errstr as zstring ptr
    learning_rate as single
    learning_momentum as single
    connection_rate as single
    network_type as fann_nettype_enum
    first_layer as fann_layer ptr
    last_layer as fann_layer ptr
    total_neurons as ulong
    num_input as ulong
    num_output as ulong
    weights as fann_type ptr
    connections as fann_neuron ptr ptr
    train_errors as fann_type ptr
    training_algorithm as fann_train_enum
    total_connections as ulong
    output as fann_type ptr
    num_MSE as ulong
    MSE_value as single
    num_bit_fail as ulong
    bit_fail_limit as fann_type
    train_error_function as fann_errorfunc_enum
    train_stop_function as fann_stopfunc_enum
    callback as fann_callback_type
    user_data as any ptr
    cascade_output_change_fraction as single
    cascade_output_stagnation_epochs as ulong
    cascade_candidate_change_fraction as single
    cascade_candidate_stagnation_epochs as ulong
    cascade_best_candidate as ulong
    cascade_candidate_limit as fann_type
    cascade_weight_multiplier as fann_type
    cascade_max_out_epochs as ulong
    cascade_max_cand_epochs as ulong
    cascade_min_out_epochs as ulong
    cascade_min_cand_epochs as ulong
    cascade_activation_functions as fann_activationfunc_enum ptr
    cascade_activation_functions_count as ulong
    cascade_activation_steepnesses as fann_type ptr
    cascade_activation_steepnesses_count as ulong
    cascade_num_candidate_groups as ulong
    cascade_candidate_scores as fann_type ptr
    total_neurons_allocated as ulong
    total_connections_allocated as ulong
    quickprop_decay as single
    quickprop_mu as single
    rprop_increase_factor as single
    rprop_decrease_factor as single
    rprop_delta_min as single
    rprop_delta_max as single
    rprop_delta_zero as single
    sarprop_weight_decay_shift as single
    sarprop_step_error_threshold_factor as single
    sarprop_step_error_shift as single
    sarprop_temperature as single
    sarprop_epoch as ulong
    train_slopes as fann_type ptr
    prev_steps as fann_type ptr
    prev_train_slopes as fann_type ptr
    prev_weights_deltas as fann_type ptr
    scale_mean_in as single ptr
    scale_deviation_in as single ptr
    scale_new_min_in as single ptr
    scale_factor_in as single ptr
    scale_mean_out as single ptr
    scale_deviation_out as single ptr
    scale_new_min_out as single ptr
    scale_factor_out as single ptr
end type

type fann_connection
    from_neuron as ulong
    to_neuron as ulong
    weight as fann_type
end type

#define __fann_internal_h__

'' TODO: #define FANN_GET(type, name) FANN_EXTERNAL type FANN_API fann_get_##name(struct fann *ann) { return ann->name; }
'' TODO: #define FANN_SET(type, name) FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_##name(struct fann *ann, type value) { ann->name = value; }
'' TODO: #define FANN_GET_SET(type, name) FANN_GET(type, name) FANN_SET(type, name)

declare function fann_allocate_structure(byval num_layers as ulong) as fann ptr
declare sub fann_allocate_neurons(byval ann as fann ptr)
declare sub fann_allocate_connections(byval ann as fann ptr)
declare function fann_save_internal(byval ann as fann ptr, byval configuration_file as const zstring ptr, byval save_as_fixed as ulong) as long
declare function fann_save_internal_fd(byval ann as fann ptr, byval conf as FILE ptr, byval configuration_file as const zstring ptr, byval save_as_fixed as ulong) as long
declare function fann_save_train_internal(byval data as fann_train_data ptr, byval filename as const zstring ptr, byval save_as_fixed as ulong, byval decimal_point as ulong) as long
declare function fann_save_train_internal_fd(byval data as fann_train_data ptr, byval file as FILE ptr, byval filename as const zstring ptr, byval save_as_fixed as ulong, byval decimal_point as ulong) as long
declare sub fann_update_stepwise(byval ann as fann ptr)
declare sub fann_seed_rand()
declare sub fann_error(byval errdat as fann_error ptr, byval errno_f as const fann_errno_enum, ...)
declare sub fann_init_error_data(byval errdat as fann_error ptr)
declare function fann_create_from_fd(byval conf as FILE ptr, byval configuration_file as const zstring ptr) as fann ptr
declare function fann_read_train_from_fd(byval file as FILE ptr, byval filename as const zstring ptr) as fann_train_data ptr
declare sub fann_compute_MSE(byval ann as fann ptr, byval desired_output as fann_type ptr)
declare sub fann_update_output_weights(byval ann as fann ptr)
declare sub fann_backpropagate_MSE(byval ann as fann ptr)
declare sub fann_update_weights(byval ann as fann ptr)
declare sub fann_update_slopes_batch(byval ann as fann ptr, byval layer_begin as fann_layer ptr, byval layer_end as fann_layer ptr)
declare sub fann_update_weights_quickprop(byval ann as fann ptr, byval num_data as ulong, byval first_weight as ulong, byval past_end as ulong)
declare sub fann_update_weights_batch(byval ann as fann ptr, byval num_data as ulong, byval first_weight as ulong, byval past_end as ulong)
declare sub fann_update_weights_irpropm(byval ann as fann ptr, byval first_weight as ulong, byval past_end as ulong)
declare sub fann_update_weights_sarprop(byval ann as fann ptr, byval epoch as ulong, byval first_weight as ulong, byval past_end as ulong)
declare sub fann_clear_train_arrays(byval ann as fann ptr)
declare function fann_activation(byval ann as fann ptr, byval activation_function as ulong, byval steepness as fann_type, byval value as fann_type) as fann_type
declare function fann_activation_derived(byval activation_function as ulong, byval steepness as fann_type, byval value as fann_type, byval sum as fann_type) as fann_type
declare function fann_desired_error_reached(byval ann as fann ptr, byval desired_error as single) as long
declare function fann_train_outputs(byval ann as fann ptr, byval data as fann_train_data ptr, byval desired_error as single) as long
declare function fann_train_outputs_epoch(byval ann as fann ptr, byval data as fann_train_data ptr) as single
declare function fann_train_candidates(byval ann as fann ptr, byval data as fann_train_data ptr) as long
declare function fann_train_candidates_epoch(byval ann as fann ptr, byval data as fann_train_data ptr) as fann_type
declare sub fann_install_candidate(byval ann as fann ptr)
declare function fann_check_input_output_sizes(byval ann as fann ptr, byval data as fann_train_data ptr) as long
declare function fann_initialize_candidates(byval ann as fann ptr) as long
declare sub fann_set_shortcut_connections(byval ann as fann ptr)
declare function fann_allocate_scale(byval ann as fann ptr) as long
declare sub fann_scale_data_to_range(byval data as fann_type ptr ptr, byval num_data as ulong, byval num_elem as ulong, byval old_min as fann_type, byval old_max as fann_type, byval new_min as fann_type, byval new_max as fann_type)

#define fann_max(x, y) iif((x) > (y), (x), (y))
#define fann_min(x, y) iif((x) < (y), (x), (y))
#macro fann_safe_free(x)
    if x then
        x = NULL
    end if
#define fann_clip(x, lo, hi) iif((x) < (lo), (lo), iif((x) > (hi), (hi), (x)))
#define fann_exp2(x) exp(0.69314718055994530942 * (x))
#define fann_rand(min_value, max_value) (csng(min_value) + (((csng(max_value) - csng(min_value)) * rand()) / (RAND_MAX + 1.0f)))
#define fann_abs(value) iif((value) > 0, (value), -(value))
#define fann_mult(x, y) (x * y)
#define fann_div(x, y) (x / y)
#define fann_random_weight() fann_rand(-0.1f, 0.1f)
#define fann_random_bias_weight() fann_rand(-0.1f, 0.1f)
#define __fann_train_h__

type fann_train_data_
    errno_f as fann_errno_enum
    error_log as FILE ptr
    errstr as zstring ptr
    num_data as ulong
    num_input as ulong
    num_output as ulong
    input as fann_type ptr ptr
    output as fann_type ptr ptr
end type

declare sub fann_train(byval ann as fann ptr, byval input as fann_type ptr, byval desired_output as fann_type ptr)
declare function fann_test(byval ann as fann ptr, byval input as fann_type ptr, byval desired_output as fann_type ptr) as fann_type ptr
declare function fann_get_MSE(byval ann as fann ptr) as single
declare function fann_get_bit_fail(byval ann as fann ptr) as ulong
declare sub fann_reset_MSE(byval ann as fann ptr)
declare sub fann_train_on_data(byval ann as fann ptr, byval data as fann_train_data ptr, byval max_epochs as ulong, byval epochs_between_reports as ulong, byval desired_error as single)
declare sub fann_train_on_file(byval ann as fann ptr, byval filename as const zstring ptr, byval max_epochs as ulong, byval epochs_between_reports as ulong, byval desired_error as single)
declare function fann_train_epoch(byval ann as fann ptr, byval data as fann_train_data ptr) as single
declare function fann_test_data(byval ann as fann ptr, byval data as fann_train_data ptr) as single
declare function fann_read_train_from_file(byval filename as const zstring ptr) as fann_train_data ptr
declare function fann_create_train(byval num_data as ulong, byval num_input as ulong, byval num_output as ulong) as fann_train_data ptr
declare function fann_create_train_pointer_array(byval num_data as ulong, byval num_input as ulong, byval input as fann_type ptr ptr, byval num_output as ulong, byval output as fann_type ptr ptr) as fann_train_data ptr
declare function fann_create_train_array(byval num_data as ulong, byval num_input as ulong, byval input as fann_type ptr, byval num_output as ulong, byval output as fann_type ptr) as fann_train_data ptr
declare function fann_create_train_from_callback(byval num_data as ulong, byval num_input as ulong, byval num_output as ulong, byval user_function as sub(byval as ulong, byval as ulong, byval as ulong, byval as fann_type ptr, byval as fann_type ptr)) as fann_train_data ptr
declare sub fann_destroy_train(byval train_data as fann_train_data ptr)
declare function fann_get_train_input(byval data as fann_train_data ptr, byval position as ulong) as fann_type ptr
declare function fann_get_train_output(byval data as fann_train_data ptr, byval position as ulong) as fann_type ptr
declare sub fann_shuffle_train_data(byval train_data as fann_train_data ptr)
declare function fann_get_min_train_input(byval train_data as fann_train_data ptr) as fann_type
declare function fann_get_max_train_input(byval train_data as fann_train_data ptr) as fann_type
declare function fann_get_min_train_output(byval train_data as fann_train_data ptr) as fann_type
declare function fann_get_max_train_output(byval train_data as fann_train_data ptr) as fann_type
declare sub fann_scale_train(byval ann as fann ptr, byval data as fann_train_data ptr)
declare sub fann_descale_train(byval ann as fann ptr, byval data as fann_train_data ptr)
declare function fann_set_input_scaling_params(byval ann as fann ptr, byval data as const fann_train_data ptr, byval new_input_min as single, byval new_input_max as single) as long
declare function fann_set_output_scaling_params(byval ann as fann ptr, byval data as const fann_train_data ptr, byval new_output_min as single, byval new_output_max as single) as long
declare function fann_set_scaling_params(byval ann as fann ptr, byval data as const fann_train_data ptr, byval new_input_min as single, byval new_input_max as single, byval new_output_min as single, byval new_output_max as single) as long
declare function fann_clear_scaling_params(byval ann as fann ptr) as long
declare sub fann_scale_input(byval ann as fann ptr, byval input_vector as fann_type ptr)
declare sub fann_scale_output(byval ann as fann ptr, byval output_vector as fann_type ptr)
declare sub fann_descale_input(byval ann as fann ptr, byval input_vector as fann_type ptr)
declare sub fann_descale_output(byval ann as fann ptr, byval output_vector as fann_type ptr)
declare sub fann_scale_input_train_data(byval train_data as fann_train_data ptr, byval new_min as fann_type, byval new_max as fann_type)
declare sub fann_scale_output_train_data(byval train_data as fann_train_data ptr, byval new_min as fann_type, byval new_max as fann_type)
declare sub fann_scale_train_data(byval train_data as fann_train_data ptr, byval new_min as fann_type, byval new_max as fann_type)
declare function fann_merge_train_data(byval data1 as fann_train_data ptr, byval data2 as fann_train_data ptr) as fann_train_data ptr
declare function fann_duplicate_train_data(byval data as fann_train_data ptr) as fann_train_data ptr
declare function fann_subset_train_data(byval data as fann_train_data ptr, byval pos as ulong, byval length as ulong) as fann_train_data ptr
declare function fann_length_train_data(byval data as fann_train_data ptr) as ulong
declare function fann_num_input_train_data(byval data as fann_train_data ptr) as ulong
declare function fann_num_output_train_data(byval data as fann_train_data ptr) as ulong
declare function fann_save_train(byval data as fann_train_data ptr, byval filename as const zstring ptr) as long
declare function fann_save_train_to_fixed(byval data as fann_train_data ptr, byval filename as const zstring ptr, byval decimal_point as ulong) as long
declare function fann_get_training_algorithm(byval ann as fann ptr) as fann_train_enum
declare sub fann_set_training_algorithm(byval ann as fann ptr, byval training_algorithm as fann_train_enum)
declare function fann_get_learning_rate(byval ann as fann ptr) as single
declare sub fann_set_learning_rate(byval ann as fann ptr, byval learning_rate as single)
declare function fann_get_learning_momentum(byval ann as fann ptr) as single
declare sub fann_set_learning_momentum(byval ann as fann ptr, byval learning_momentum as single)
declare function fann_get_activation_function(byval ann as fann ptr, byval layer as long, byval neuron as long) as fann_activationfunc_enum
declare sub fann_set_activation_function(byval ann as fann ptr, byval activation_function as fann_activationfunc_enum, byval layer as long, byval neuron as long)
declare sub fann_set_activation_function_layer(byval ann as fann ptr, byval activation_function as fann_activationfunc_enum, byval layer as long)
declare sub fann_set_activation_function_hidden(byval ann as fann ptr, byval activation_function as fann_activationfunc_enum)
declare sub fann_set_activation_function_output(byval ann as fann ptr, byval activation_function as fann_activationfunc_enum)
declare function fann_get_activation_steepness(byval ann as fann ptr, byval layer as long, byval neuron as long) as fann_type
declare sub fann_set_activation_steepness(byval ann as fann ptr, byval steepness as fann_type, byval layer as long, byval neuron as long)
declare sub fann_set_activation_steepness_layer(byval ann as fann ptr, byval steepness as fann_type, byval layer as long)
declare sub fann_set_activation_steepness_hidden(byval ann as fann ptr, byval steepness as fann_type)
declare sub fann_set_activation_steepness_output(byval ann as fann ptr, byval steepness as fann_type)
declare function fann_get_train_error_function(byval ann as fann ptr) as fann_errorfunc_enum
declare sub fann_set_train_error_function(byval ann as fann ptr, byval train_error_function as fann_errorfunc_enum)
declare function fann_get_train_stop_function(byval ann as fann ptr) as fann_stopfunc_enum
declare sub fann_set_train_stop_function(byval ann as fann ptr, byval train_stop_function as fann_stopfunc_enum)
declare function fann_get_bit_fail_limit(byval ann as fann ptr) as fann_type
declare sub fann_set_bit_fail_limit(byval ann as fann ptr, byval bit_fail_limit as fann_type)
declare sub fann_set_callback(byval ann as fann ptr, byval callback as fann_callback_type)
declare function fann_get_quickprop_decay(byval ann as fann ptr) as single
declare sub fann_set_quickprop_decay(byval ann as fann ptr, byval quickprop_decay as single)
declare function fann_get_quickprop_mu(byval ann as fann ptr) as single
declare sub fann_set_quickprop_mu(byval ann as fann ptr, byval quickprop_mu as single)
declare function fann_get_rprop_increase_factor(byval ann as fann ptr) as single
declare sub fann_set_rprop_increase_factor(byval ann as fann ptr, byval rprop_increase_factor as single)
declare function fann_get_rprop_decrease_factor(byval ann as fann ptr) as single
declare sub fann_set_rprop_decrease_factor(byval ann as fann ptr, byval rprop_decrease_factor as single)
declare function fann_get_rprop_delta_min(byval ann as fann ptr) as single
declare sub fann_set_rprop_delta_min(byval ann as fann ptr, byval rprop_delta_min as single)
declare function fann_get_rprop_delta_max(byval ann as fann ptr) as single
declare sub fann_set_rprop_delta_max(byval ann as fann ptr, byval rprop_delta_max as single)
declare function fann_get_rprop_delta_zero(byval ann as fann ptr) as single
declare sub fann_set_rprop_delta_zero(byval ann as fann ptr, byval rprop_delta_max as single)
declare function fann_get_sarprop_weight_decay_shift(byval ann as fann ptr) as single
declare sub fann_set_sarprop_weight_decay_shift(byval ann as fann ptr, byval sarprop_weight_decay_shift as single)
declare function fann_get_sarprop_step_error_threshold_factor(byval ann as fann ptr) as single
declare sub fann_set_sarprop_step_error_threshold_factor(byval ann as fann ptr, byval sarprop_step_error_threshold_factor as single)
declare function fann_get_sarprop_step_error_shift(byval ann as fann ptr) as single
declare sub fann_set_sarprop_step_error_shift(byval ann as fann ptr, byval sarprop_step_error_shift as single)
declare function fann_get_sarprop_temperature(byval ann as fann ptr) as single
declare sub fann_set_sarprop_temperature(byval ann as fann ptr, byval sarprop_temperature as single)
#define __fann_cascade_h__
declare sub fann_cascadetrain_on_data(byval ann as fann ptr, byval data as fann_train_data ptr, byval max_neurons as ulong, byval neurons_between_reports as ulong, byval desired_error as single)
declare sub fann_cascadetrain_on_file(byval ann as fann ptr, byval filename as const zstring ptr, byval max_neurons as ulong, byval neurons_between_reports as ulong, byval desired_error as single)
declare function fann_get_cascade_output_change_fraction(byval ann as fann ptr) as single
declare sub fann_set_cascade_output_change_fraction(byval ann as fann ptr, byval cascade_output_change_fraction as single)
declare function fann_get_cascade_output_stagnation_epochs(byval ann as fann ptr) as ulong
declare sub fann_set_cascade_output_stagnation_epochs(byval ann as fann ptr, byval cascade_output_stagnation_epochs as ulong)
declare function fann_get_cascade_candidate_change_fraction(byval ann as fann ptr) as single
declare sub fann_set_cascade_candidate_change_fraction(byval ann as fann ptr, byval cascade_candidate_change_fraction as single)
declare function fann_get_cascade_candidate_stagnation_epochs(byval ann as fann ptr) as ulong
declare sub fann_set_cascade_candidate_stagnation_epochs(byval ann as fann ptr, byval cascade_candidate_stagnation_epochs as ulong)
declare function fann_get_cascade_weight_multiplier(byval ann as fann ptr) as fann_type
declare sub fann_set_cascade_weight_multiplier(byval ann as fann ptr, byval cascade_weight_multiplier as fann_type)
declare function fann_get_cascade_candidate_limit(byval ann as fann ptr) as fann_type
declare sub fann_set_cascade_candidate_limit(byval ann as fann ptr, byval cascade_candidate_limit as fann_type)
declare function fann_get_cascade_max_out_epochs(byval ann as fann ptr) as ulong
declare sub fann_set_cascade_max_out_epochs(byval ann as fann ptr, byval cascade_max_out_epochs as ulong)
declare function fann_get_cascade_min_out_epochs(byval ann as fann ptr) as ulong
declare sub fann_set_cascade_min_out_epochs(byval ann as fann ptr, byval cascade_min_out_epochs as ulong)
declare function fann_get_cascade_max_cand_epochs(byval ann as fann ptr) as ulong
declare sub fann_set_cascade_max_cand_epochs(byval ann as fann ptr, byval cascade_max_cand_epochs as ulong)
declare function fann_get_cascade_min_cand_epochs(byval ann as fann ptr) as ulong
declare sub fann_set_cascade_min_cand_epochs(byval ann as fann ptr, byval cascade_min_cand_epochs as ulong)
declare function fann_get_cascade_num_candidates(byval ann as fann ptr) as ulong
declare function fann_get_cascade_activation_functions_count(byval ann as fann ptr) as ulong
declare function fann_get_cascade_activation_functions(byval ann as fann ptr) as fann_activationfunc_enum ptr
declare sub fann_set_cascade_activation_functions(byval ann as fann ptr, byval cascade_activation_functions as fann_activationfunc_enum ptr, byval cascade_activation_functions_count as ulong)
declare function fann_get_cascade_activation_steepnesses_count(byval ann as fann ptr) as ulong
declare function fann_get_cascade_activation_steepnesses(byval ann as fann ptr) as fann_type ptr
declare sub fann_set_cascade_activation_steepnesses(byval ann as fann ptr, byval cascade_activation_steepnesses as fann_type ptr, byval cascade_activation_steepnesses_count as ulong)
declare function fann_get_cascade_num_candidate_groups(byval ann as fann ptr) as ulong
declare sub fann_set_cascade_num_candidate_groups(byval ann as fann ptr, byval cascade_num_candidate_groups as ulong)
#define __fann_io_h__
declare function fann_create_from_file(byval configuration_file as const zstring ptr) as fann ptr
declare function fann_save(byval ann as fann ptr, byval configuration_file as const zstring ptr) as long
declare function fann_save_to_fixed(byval ann as fann ptr, byval configuration_file as const zstring ptr) as long
declare function fann_create_standard(byval num_layers as ulong, ...) as fann ptr
declare function fann_create_standard_array(byval num_layers as ulong, byval layers as const ulong ptr) as fann ptr
declare function fann_create_sparse(byval connection_rate as single, byval num_layers as ulong, ...) as fann ptr
declare function fann_create_sparse_array(byval connection_rate as single, byval num_layers as ulong, byval layers as const ulong ptr) as fann ptr
declare function fann_create_shortcut(byval num_layers as ulong, ...) as fann ptr
declare function fann_create_shortcut_array(byval num_layers as ulong, byval layers as const ulong ptr) as fann ptr
declare sub fann_destroy(byval ann as fann ptr)
declare function fann_copy(byval ann as fann ptr) as fann ptr
declare function fann_run(byval ann as fann ptr, byval input as fann_type ptr) as fann_type ptr
declare sub fann_randomize_weights(byval ann as fann ptr, byval min_weight as fann_type, byval max_weight as fann_type)
declare sub fann_init_weights(byval ann as fann ptr, byval train_data as fann_train_data ptr)
declare sub fann_print_connections(byval ann as fann ptr)
declare sub fann_print_parameters(byval ann as fann ptr)
declare function fann_get_num_input(byval ann as fann ptr) as ulong
declare function fann_get_num_output(byval ann as fann ptr) as ulong
declare function fann_get_total_neurons(byval ann as fann ptr) as ulong
declare function fann_get_total_connections(byval ann as fann ptr) as ulong
declare function fann_get_network_type(byval ann as fann ptr) as fann_nettype_enum
declare function fann_get_connection_rate(byval ann as fann ptr) as single
declare function fann_get_num_layers(byval ann as fann ptr) as ulong
declare sub fann_get_layer_array(byval ann as fann ptr, byval layers as ulong ptr)
declare sub fann_get_bias_array(byval ann as fann ptr, byval bias as ulong ptr)
declare sub fann_get_connection_array(byval ann as fann ptr, byval connections as fann_connection ptr)
declare sub fann_set_weight_array(byval ann as fann ptr, byval connections as fann_connection ptr, byval num_connections as ulong)
declare sub fann_set_weight(byval ann as fann ptr, byval from_neuron as ulong, byval to_neuron as ulong, byval weight as fann_type)
declare sub fann_get_weights(byval ann as fann ptr, byval weights as fann_type ptr)
declare sub fann_set_weights(byval ann as fann ptr, byval weights as fann_type ptr)
declare sub fann_set_user_data(byval ann as fann ptr, byval user_data as any ptr)
declare function fann_get_user_data(byval ann as fann ptr) as any ptr
declare sub fann_disable_seed_rand()
declare sub fann_enable_seed_rand()

end extern

now, here are some examples of code to test the library translated from C (you will find the datasets and training data files in the "/fann" folder you downloaded:

file "robot.bas"
'Fast Artificial Neural Network Library (fann)
'Copyright (C) 2003-2016 Steffen Nissen (steffen.fann@gmail.com)
'This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
'modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
'License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
'version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
'This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
'but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
'Lesser General Public License for more details.
'You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
'License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
'Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

#include "crt.bi"
'#include <stdio.h>

#include "fann.bi"

function __main() as LONG

    const as ulong num_layers = 3
    const as ulong num_neurons_hidden = 96
    const as single desired_error = cast(const single, 0.001)
    dim as fann ptr ann
    dim as fann_train_data ptr train_data
    dim as fann_train_data ptr test_data
    'dim as ulong i
    printf(!"Creating network.\n")

    train_data = fann_read_train_from_file("datasets/robot.train")

    ann = fann_create_standard(num_layers, _
                      train_data->num_input, num_neurons_hidden, train_data->num_output)

    printf(!"Training network.\n")

    fann_set_training_algorithm(ann, FANN_TRAIN_INCREMENTAL)
    fann_set_learning_momentum(ann, 0.4f)

    fann_train_on_data(ann, train_data, 3000, 10, desired_error)

    printf(!"Testing network.\n")

    test_data = fann_read_train_from_file("datasets/robot.test")
    for i as ulong = 0 to fann_length_train_data(test_data)-1
        fann_test(ann, test_data->input[i], test_data->output[i] )
    next i
    printf(!"MSE error on test data: %f\n", fann_get_MSE(ann))

    printf(!"Saving network.\n")

    fann_save(ann, "robot_float.net")

    printf(!"Cleaning up.\n")

    return 0
end function



file "xor_test.bas"
#include "fann.bi"

function __main2() as long
    const as ulong num_input = 2
    const as ulong num_output = 1
    const as ulong num_layers = 3
    const as ulong num_neurons_hidden = 3
    const as single desired_error =  cast(const single,0.001)
    const as ulong max_epochs = 500000
    const as ulong epochs_between_reports = 1000

    dim as fann ptr ann = fann_create_standard(num_layers, num_input, _
        num_neurons_hidden, num_output)

    fann_set_activation_function_hidden(ann, FANN_SIGMOID_SYMMETRIC)
    fann_set_activation_function_output(ann, FANN_SIGMOID_SYMMETRIC)

    fann_train_on_file(ann, "xor.data", max_epochs, _
        epochs_between_reports, desired_error)

    fann_save(ann, "xor_float.net")


    return 0
end function 


file "simple_test.bas"
'Fast Artificial Neural Network Library (fann)
'Copyright (C) 2003-2016 Steffen Nissen (steffen.fann@gmail.com)

'This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
'modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
'License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
'version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

'This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
'but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
'Lesser General Public License for more details.

'You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
'License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
'Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

#include "crt.bi"
#include "fann.bi"

'#include "xor_test.bas"

function __main() as long
    dim as fann_type ptr calc_out
    dim as fann_type tinput(2-1)

    dim as fann ptr ann = fann_create_from_file("xor_float.net")

    tinput(0) = -1
    tinput(1) = 1
    calc_out = fann_run(ann, @tinput(0) )

    printf( !"xor test (%f,%f) -> %f\n", tinput(0), tinput(1), calc_out[0] )

    return 0
end function


on linux should be compiled with build commands : -s console -gen gcc -Wc -Ofast -Wc -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -exx -w all -Wl "-L /usr/local/lib"

Kind Regards


Okay... we finished translating the library headers and example codes from C to freebasic :

here is the result on github: https://github.com/lonelyStar211/FB_FANN


okay here is the complete FB_FANN dropbox share link for Linux and windows bi. should be copied to freebasic-32bit inc folder the .dll.libs should be copied to freebasic 32bit lib/win32 folder and the .dll (from bin) should be in the sample or project folder (for windows fbc 32bit)
