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Admin, moderator?

Started by Tomaaz, Dec 01, 2022, 12:43 PM

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Who is running this forum? All the topics in this section that look like they've been started by admin(s) have actually been posted by guests.


hello Tomaaz...

Retrocoders Community was Originally started by me Ron77 and later Mysoft joined as full Admin to the forum... sadly i am no longer fit to Run the forum as admin therefore Mysoft is Now the only active Admin and he is also the Admin of Retrocoders Community Discord Server - i am just a regular member now :/

Mysoft is very busy doing lots of things and jumping from one thing to another - it was easier when i could manage the forum as Admin along side with him and we would split the work - he took care of the Discord server and i the forum... however sadly that is not the case any more -

if you wish to - you can join the discord server and ask or offer Mysoft to help run the forum as Moderator - in any case Mysoft has the final word regarding this forum however it's too bad or sad that he almost doesn't have much time to dedicate to the forum :/

as for me i'm trying my best to contribute code or post content as a regular member...

that's the status of this forum currently...



ok Tomaaz...

i've talked to Mysoft and we agreed that i'll become retrocoders community "global moderator" (not admin since i'm not fit to run anything sadly) so if you have any suggestions or problems or if anything to ask (same as for anyone here) don't hesitate to ask me :)



Quote from: ron77 on Dec 04, 2022, 12:00 PMok Tomaaz...

i've talked to Mysoft and we agreed that i'll become retrocoders community "global moderator" (not admin since i'm not fit to run anything sadly) so if you have any suggestions or problems or if anything to ask (same as for anyone here) don't hesitate to ask me :)


Man, when anybody steps up to take care of a task/whatever, I always see that as a big deal.  Thanks!

Now I'm wondering if there's an opportunity for a "Dear Ron77" spoof-type-thing of "Dear Abby" ...

Yeah, I am only a few sips into my first coffee of the day, but the wheels are schemingly spinning.  Creaky, but spinning...


Hi Ron77!

Thanx for a quick reply! It's good to know that someone is still looking after this forum. I used to be a member on basicprogramming. It was a nice place, but one day the admin had disappeared and, not long after that, the forum was gone, too. I was wondering if the same is happening here. Thanks to your replies, I know that's not the case.  :)


I think only Mysoft, the Admin, can do that Ron77 had disappeared; it seems


Quote from: aurel on Jan 14, 2023, 04:37 PMDon't care about Tomaaz..

ron77  or mysoft

can you change Who is online to standard settings that member can see who is currently online
NOT on this way ..who is online in 24 h ?
that is silly ...

done :) , i will also see about removing or adjusting the dead links... after the end of the game jam... since i've been kinda busy lately :) , will eventually be a good idea to have more admins/moderators since the community is growing.


There are only two logical solutions. Increase membership or decrease/combine forum topics... Just a thought...
May your journey be free of incident.  Live long and prosper.


Since there is no "increase membership" button to press, there is only one solution - reorganize forum topics.


Comes to mind: if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

The advantage of having a large sampling of sub-forums: each one kind of screams out "hey, there's a place for you here.".

But then, maybe some tweaks would be advantageous...

Having all of those categories expanded by default might make the home page a bit overwhelming.

It might be helpful to have all of the big categories collapsed by default instead of expanded.

If easy to do, it might be cool for the home page to remember which categories were collapsed/expanded last time, and present the same thing every time thereafter?

CLARIFICATION EDIT: The collapse/expand thing, I mean for visitors (not logged in).

It might be worth merging the two FreeBasic categories.

If you think folk may look away because the first reaction is "this is a FreeBasic" forum, then it might be worth having a "BASIC" super-category (same prominence as the C/C++ category), rolling into that "super category" the sub-categories for FreeBasic, one each for a few other prominent BASIC implementations, and the "Other BASIC" catch all for the other ones.

I find this a very nice forum overall.  I'd find it interesting if it had categories for Fortran, Pascal, etc.

Being about retro coding, it might be worth having a "super-category" for emulators, retro-devices, etc.