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Learning C language From Scratch

Started by stigma, Jan 16, 2023, 11:44 AM

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I started to Learn C language from scratch from a Udemy course called "C Language for beginners - Master C" it's a pretty long and Comprehensive course, and it's long (10 chapters with about 90 lessons plus homework assignments and challenges and quizzes)

Although I have codeblocks IDE on my win 11, I'm actually using Notepad++ with nppexec plugin to compile and run the exercise C codes files

so far so good... maybe soon some day I'll be posting some nice C codes in the C/C++ Sections and Boards of this forum... :)


Unless you have a serious reason for it, don't bother. Try Go, D or V, instead. They are much nicer languages, come with nice standard libraries, garbage collector etc. If you want to choose more serious professional route then go for Rust or C++.


hi tomaaz and aural :)

My main goal is to master C and learn the fundamentals of thinking like an actual programmer, much less than "doing stuff" and more of understanding concepts of programming - I'm not looking for a job in it - this is to understand concepts like Pointers and data structures procedures and functional programming, etc...etc...


Quote from: stigma on Jan 16, 2023, 02:24 PM... - this is to understand concepts like Pointers and data structures procedures and functional programming, etc...etc...

You will not learn functional programming - C doesn't support this paradigm. You will not learn anything about the most important data structures in modern programming (classes and objects) - C doesn't support OOP. You will not learn anything about lambda, closures, inheritance, polymorphism, concurrency... Basically, you will learn nothing about modern programming and data structures.

C is probably the most important language that has ever existed, but nothing lasts forever. It still may be a good choice for those who want to learn how the hardware and programming on a very low level works, but this is a very specific area. There still is a massive amount of code written in it, so it's not gonna disappear overnight, but, generally, C has nothing to do with modern programming.


Hi, aurel...

I use FreeBASIC as well. FreeBASIC and C have a lot in common :) I know FreeBASIC better then C but I hope that by learning C I will get better in both of these languages...