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looking for an idea for a text game

Started by ron77, Feb 12, 2023, 08:24 PM

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I'm looking for a fresh idea for a story or plot to a new text game in freebasic - it will be with images that AI will generate, and hopefully, I'll find some nice background free-to-use music -

I'm open to ideas... anyone?

Of course, I might just make it a personal game to tell a personal story or personal viewpoint to my life or past experiences - I don't know - I don't think popularity or seals or profit interests me - as my games (when I finally make one) are personal they aspire to tell tender personal things of life experiences of mine... I guess this is just a rhetorical question, then... the games I make are personal and dear to me - the question of popularity or "if someone else will play them" is not important since I know what gamers want. They want slick 3D or 2D graphic games with sound effects and music - they want commercial games or professional indie games - I don't care for all that - my games are "homemade" or "home brew" just like the games I played as a kid on our family computer in the 80s till early 90s - they were crappy games with poor graphics and poor sound effect and music, but I loved them - they were before the "game consoles" they were made by small independent companies. And I used to play those low-quality lo-fi games for hours and, by the way, learn some English...



Sounds like old school Interactive Fiction...

I have a collection of fantasy adventure game magazines (pdf) entitled ,"Proteus". A little similar to Dungeons and Dragons but not as involved. Here is a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWOigJUteX0&ab_channel=StoneaxeTabletopGaming

I am not sure if this is something that you can use. I have all 20 issues of the magazine. I realize that they are basically 'table top' games, but with the speed and resources of today's machines, they could quite possibly be made into a computer-based game.


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