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Would it be worth having a "Retro Device" programming category?

Started by CharlieJV, Aug 10, 2023, 09:53 PM

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Not the kind of category I could contribute to, but it could be interesting.  For all kinds of devices.

Maybe one catch-all forum for any kind of device, then maybe a forum-per-device when discussion for specific device achieves some threshold of activity.

I'm thinking, for example, retro-programming on the C64.  There's a lot of device-specific peek and poke stuff related to that.

Same thing for, say, the PDP-11.

Going back to the C64, a catch all category like "C64 programming (BASIC and others)".  With that device-specific category and all types of programming languages in that one bucket, there would not need to be a "C64 BASIC" category.

Kind of muddled thoughts there.

All of course focused on programming and programs.  Retro-computing on the C64, that (in my mind) is way bigger and beyond the scope of this forum.

Anyway, just one "Retro-Device Programming" category as a catch all and way to measure interest.


Sure, why not?

Some examples may include Gameboy Basic (the interpreter), GBDK (C compiler for gameboy), BasiEgaXorz Sega Genesis BASIC compiler, batari Basic Atari VCS BASIC compiler, PS2 Yabasic Demo Disk, G-Basic and F-Basic on keyboard Famiclones... just off the top of my head.

There should be a place to talk about G-Basic and F-Basic. All of the challenges of trying to peek and poke parallel ports from a NOAC with a keyboard.