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Qbasic BMP File Uploader Code

Started by ron77, Aug 07, 2023, 08:48 PM

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'Design of a windows 3.1 bitmap - Taken from bmp.txt on the
' ftp site under /pub/msdos/programming/formats
'Specifications for a Windows 3.1 bitmap. (.BMP)
'Email any questions/responses to me at
'or post to alt.lang.basic or comp.lang.basic.misc.
'SHOWBM10 - Flexible BMP file loader
'Version 1.00* - Apr.23,1997
'*modified by Toshi for speed and options
'*further optimizations: integer divides, precalcs.
'Get the most recent version at

DEFINT A-Z: 'comment out if errors occur
DIM xstart, xsiz, ystart, ysiz AS INTEGER
CONST xmax = 320, ymax = 200
CONST va = &H3C8, vd = &H3C9

'settings (0=false or 1=true)
dither = 0
grey = 0            'My dithering algorithm needs work, beware.
slowpal = 0

FILES "*.bmp"
INPUT "Bitmap filename to load: ", filename$
PRINT "The Program will read in the source file and display it on the screen."
PRINT "Source file: "; filename$

IF INSTR(filename$, ".") = 0 THEN filename$ = filename$ + ".BMP"
OPEN filename$ FOR BINARY AS #1
IF LOF(1) = 0 THEN
   CLOSE #1
   PRINT "Empty File. Deleting"
   KILL filename$

header$ = SPACE$(14)
sizing$ = SPACE$(4)
GET #1, 1, header$
IF LEN(header$) = 0 THEN PRINT "Not a valid Bitmap file.": CLOSE : END
IF MID$(header$, 1, 2) <> "BM" THEN PRINT "Not a valid Bitmap file.": CLOSE : END
GET #1, 15, sizing$
bmpinfosize = CVI(sizing$)

IF bmpinfosize = 12 THEN
   infoheader$ = SPACE$(12)
   GET #1, 15, infoheader$
   nbits = CVI(MID$(infoheader$, 15, 4))
   IF nbits = 1 THEN
      palet$ = SPACE$(6)
      GET #1, bmpinfosize + 15, palet$
   ELSEIF nbits = 4 THEN
      palet$ = SPACE$(48)
      GET #1, bmpinfosize + 15, palet$
   ELSEIF nbits = 8 THEN
      palet$ = SPACE$(768)
      GET #1, bmpinfosize + 15, palet$
ELSEIF bmpinfosize = 40 THEN
   infoheader$ = SPACE$(40)
   GET #1, 15, infoheader$
   nbits = CVI(MID$(infoheader$, 15, 4))
   IF nbits = 1 THEN
      palet$ = SPACE$(8)
      GET #1, bmpinfosize + 15, palet$
   ELSEIF nbits = 4 THEN
      palet$ = SPACE$(64)
      GET #1, bmpinfosize + 15, palet$
   ELSEIF nbits = 8 THEN
      palet$ = SPACE$(1024)
      GET #1, bmpinfosize + 15, palet$

ft$ = MID$(header$, 1, 2)
PRINT "Type of file (Should be BM): "; ft$

filesize& = CVL(MID$(header$, 3, 4))
PRINT "Size of file: "; filesize&

r1 = CVI(MID$(header$, 7, 2))
PRINT "Reserved 1: "; r1

r2 = CVI(MID$(header$, 9, 2))
PRINT "Reserved 2: "; r2

offset& = CVL(MID$(header$, 11, 4))
PRINT "Number of bytes offset from beginning: "; offset&


headersize& = CVL(MID$(infoheader$, 1, 4))
PRINT "Size of header: "; headersize&

picwidth = CVL(MID$(infoheader$, 5, 4))
PRINT "Width: "; picwidth

picheight = CVL(MID$(infoheader$, 9, 4))
PRINT "Height: "; picheight

nplanes = CVI(MID$(infoheader$, 13, 4))
PRINT "Planes: "; nplanes

PRINT "Bits per plane: "; nbits


IF headersize& = 40 THEN
   PRINT "Compression: ";
   comptype = CVL(MID$(infoheader$, 17, 4))
   IF comptype = 0 THEN PRINT "None"
   IF comptype = 1 THEN PRINT "Run Length - 8 Bits"
   IF comptype = 2 THEN PRINT "Run Length - 4 Bits"
   imagesize& = CVL(MID$(infoheader$, 21, 4))
   PRINT "Image Size (bytes): "; imagesize&
   xsize = CVL(MID$(infoheader$, 25, 4))
   PRINT "X size (pixels per metre): "; xsize
   ysize = CVL(MID$(infoheader$, 29, 4))
   PRINT "Y size (pixels per metre): "; ysize
   colorsused = CVL(MID$(infoheader$, 33, 4))
   PRINT "Number of colours used: "; colorsused
   neededcolours = CVL(MID$(infoheader$, 37, 4))
   PRINT "Number of important colours: "; neededcolours

   IF colorsused <> 0 THEN
      palet$ = SPACE$(4 * colorsused)
      GET #1, bmpinfosize + 15, palet$
PRINT "Press Any key to continue."
'display picture -------------------------------------------------
IF nbits = 1 THEN
   SCREEN 11
   xres = 640
   yres = 480
   nc = 2
ELSEIF nbits = 4 THEN
   SCREEN 12
   xres = 640
   yres = 480
   nc = 16
ELSEIF nbits = 8 OR nbits = 24 THEN
   SCREEN 13
   xres = 320
   yres = 200
   nc = 256
IF bmpinfosize = 40 THEN ngroups = 4
IF bmpinfosize = 12 THEN ngroups = 3

IF nbits = 24 THEN
   IF grey = 1 THEN
      IF ngroups = 3 THEN
         FOR c = 0 TO 63
            d = c * 4
            palet$ = palet$ + CHR$(d) + CHR$(d) + CHR$(d)
            palet$ = palet$ + CHR$(d) + CHR$(d) + CHR$(d + 1)
            palet$ = palet$ + CHR$(d) + CHR$(d + 1) + CHR$(d)
            palet$ = palet$ + CHR$(d + 1) + CHR$(d) + CHR$(d)
         NEXT c
      ELSEIF ngroups = 4 THEN
         FOR c = 0 TO 63
            d = c * 4
            palet$ = palet$ + CHR$(d) + CHR$(d) + CHR$(d) + CHR$(0)
            palet$ = palet$ + CHR$(d) + CHR$(d) + CHR$(d + 1) + CHR$(0)
            palet$ = palet$ + CHR$(d) + CHR$(d + 1) + CHR$(d) + CHR$(0)
            palet$ = palet$ + CHR$(d + 1) + CHR$(d) + CHR$(d) + CHR$(0)
         NEXT c
      END IF
      FOR t = 0 TO 5
         FOR u = 0 TO 5
            FOR v = 0 TO 5
               palet$ = palet$ + CHR$(INT(v * (256 / 6)))
               palet$ = palet$ + CHR$(INT(u * (256 / 6)))
               palet$ = palet$ + CHR$(INT(t * (256 / 6)))
               IF ngroups = 4 THEN palet$ = palet$ + CHR$(0)
            NEXT v
         NEXT u
      NEXT t
      FOR count = 0 TO 31
         palet$ = palet$ + CHR$(count * 8) + CHR$(count * 8) + CHR$(count * 8)
         IF ngroups = 4 THEN palet$ = palet$ + CHR$(0)
      NEXT count
      palet$ = palet$ + CHR$(255) + CHR$(255) + CHR$(255)

IF slowpal = 1 THEN
   FOR x = 1 TO LEN(palet$) STEP ngroups
      zb# = INT((ASC(MID$(palet$, x, 1))) / 4)
      zg# = INT((ASC(MID$(palet$, x + 1, 1))) / 4)
      zr# = INT((ASC(MID$(palet$, x + 2, 1))) / 4)
      zc# = zb# * 65536# + zg# * 256# + zr#
'      cres = ASC(MID$(palet$, x + 3, 1))
      PALETTE ((x - 1) / ngroups), zc#
   NEXT x
ELSE 'Use VGA Palette I/O Registers to set palette values - Faster
   OUT va, 0

   FOR x = 1 TO LEN(palet$) STEP ngroups
      zb = INT((ASC(MID$(palet$, x, 1))) / 4)
      zg = INT((ASC(MID$(palet$, x + 1, 1))) / 4)
      zr = INT((ASC(MID$(palet$, x + 2, 1))) / 4)
'      zc# = zb# * 65536# + zg# * 256# + zr#
'      cres = ASC(MID$(palet$, x + 3, 1))
      OUT vd, zr
      OUT vd, zg
      OUT vd, zb
      'PALETTE ((x - 1) / ngroups), zc#
   NEXT x

IF comptype = 0 THEN
   'No Compression
   IF nbits = 24 THEN
      y = picheight - 1
      x = 0
      Lin$ = SPACE$((INT((3 * picwidth - 1) / 4) + 1) * 4)
      WHILE y >= 0
         GET 1, , Lin$
         IF grey = 0 THEN
            'WHILE x < picwidth
            WHILE x < xmax AND y < ymax
               b = ASC(MID$(Lin$, x * 3 + 1, 1))
               g = ASC(MID$(Lin$, x * 3 + 2, 1))
               r = ASC(MID$(Lin$, x * 3 + 3, 1))
               IF b = g AND g = r THEN
                  p1 = INT(b / 8) + 216
                  IF b = 255 THEN p1 = 247
                  r = INT(r * (6 / 256))
                  g = INT(g * (6 / 256))
                  b = INT(b * (6 / 256))
                  IF dither THEN
                        qa = INT(RND(1) * (r + 1)) * .4
                        qb = INT(RND(1) * (g + 1)) * .4
                        qc = INT(RND(1) * (b + 1)) * .4
                        r = INT(r + qa - (r * .2))
                        g = INT(g + qg - (g * .2))
                        b = INT(b + qb - (b * .2))
                        IF r > 5 THEN r = 5
                        IF r < 0 THEN r = 0
                        IF g > 5 THEN g = 5
                        IF g < 0 THEN g = 0
                        IF b > 5 THEN b = 5
                        IF b < 0 THEN b = 0
                  END IF
                  p1 = r * 36 + g * 6 + b

               END IF
               PSET (x, y), p1
               x = x + 1
            'WHILE x < picwidth
            WHILE x < xmax AND y < ymax
               p1 = INT((ASC(MID$(Lin$, x * 3 + 1, 1)) + ASC(MID$(Lin$, x * 3 + 2, 1)) + ASC(MID$(Lin$, x * 3 + 3, 1))) / 3)
               PSET (x, y), p1
               x = x + 1
         END IF
         y = y - 1
         x = 0
   ELSEIF nbits = 8 THEN
      y = picheight - 1
      x = 0
      Lin$ = SPACE$((INT((picwidth - 1) / 4) + 1) * 4)
      WHILE y >= 0
         GET #1, , Lin$
         WHILE x < picwidth
            PSET (x, y), ASC(MID$(Lin$, x + 1, 1))
            x = x + 1
         y = y - 1
         x = 0
   ELSEIF nbits = 4 THEN
      y = picheight - 1
      x = 0
      Lin$ = SPACE$((INT((picwidth - 1) / 8) + 1) * 4)
      WHILE y >= 0
         GET 1, , Lin$
         WHILE x < picwidth
            p2 = ASC(MID$(Lin$, INT(x / 2) + 1, 1)) AND 15
            p1 = (ASC(MID$(Lin$, INT(x / 2) + 1, 1)) AND 240) / 16
            PSET (x, y), p1
            IF x + 1 < picwidth THEN PSET (x + 1, y), p2
            x = x + 2
         y = y - 1
         x = 0
   ELSEIF nbits = 1 THEN
      y = picheight - 1
      x = 0
      Lin$ = SPACE$((INT((picwidth - 1) / 32) + 1) * 4)
      WHILE y >= 0
         GET 1, , Lin$
         WHILE x < picwidth
            p8 = ASC(MID$(Lin$, INT(x / 8) + 1, 1))
            FOR b = 0 TO 7
               IF x + (7 - b) < picwidth THEN PSET (x + (7 - b), y), (p8 AND 2 ^ b) / 2 ^ b
            NEXT b
            x = x + 8
         y = y - 1
         x = 0
ELSEIF comptype = 1 THEN
   'Compression Essentials
   '[a][b] a>0, repeat b a-times
   '[0][0] End of line
   '[0][1] End of bitmap
   '[0][2][h][v] Move current position h to the right and v down
   'PRINT "Wow! RLE-8 Compression."
   a$ = " "
   x = 0
   y = 0
   ef = 0
   WHILE ef = 0
   GET #1, , a$
   c = ASC(a$)
   IF c > 0 THEN
      GET #1, , a$
      b = ASC(a$)
      FOR count = 1 TO c
        PSET (picwidth - x - 1, picheight - y - 1), b
        x = x + 1
        'if x>=picwidth then x=0:y=y+1
      NEXT count
      GET #1, , a$
      c = ASC(a$)
      IF c = 0 THEN
         x = 0
         y = y + 1
      ELSEIF c = 1 THEN
         ef = 1
      ELSEIF c = 2 THEN
         GET #1, , a$
         h = ASC(a$)
         GET #1, , a$
         v = ASC(a$)
         x = x + h
         y = y + v
         FOR count = 1 TO c
            GET #1, , a$
            p1 = ASC(a$)
            PSET (picwidth - x - 1, picheight - y - 1), p1
            x = x + 1
            'if x>=picwidth then x=0:y=y+1
         NEXT count
         IF c MOD 2 = 1 THEN GET #1, , a$
      END IF
      IF (y = picheight - 1 AND x >= picwidth) OR y >= picheight THEN ef = 1
      IF EOF(1) THEN ef = 1
ELSEIF comptype = 2 THEN
   'Compression Essentials
   '[a][b1|b0] a>0, repeat b1|b0 a/2-times e.g. a=5 -> b1 b0 b1 b0 b1
   '[0][0] End of line
   '[0][1] End of bitmap
   '[0][2][h][v] Move current position h to the right and v down
   'PRINT "Wow! RLE-4 Compression."
   a$ = " "
   x = 0
   y = 0
   ef = 0
   WHILE ef = 0
   GET #1, , a$
   c = ASC(a$)
   IF c > 0 THEN
      GET #1, , a$
      b = ASC(a$)
      FOR count = 1 TO c
        IF (count MOD 2) = 0 THEN
           PSET (picwidth - x - 1, picheight - y - 1), b AND 15
           PSET (picwidth - x - 1, picheight - y - 1), (b AND 240) / 16
        END IF
        x = x + 1
        'if x>=picwidth then x=0:y=y+1
      NEXT count
      GET #1, , a$
      c = ASC(a$)
      IF c = 0 THEN
         x = 0
         y = y + 1
      ELSEIF c = 1 THEN
         ef = 1
      ELSEIF c = 2 THEN
         GET #1, , a$
         h = ASC(a$)
         GET #1, , a$
         v = ASC(a$)
         x = x + h
         y = y + v
         FOR count = 1 TO INT(c / 2)
            GET #1, , a$
            p1 = ASC(a$)
            PSET (picwidth - x - 1, picheight - y - 1), (p1 AND 240) / 16
            x = x + 1
            PSET (picwidth - x - 1, picheight - y - 1), p1 AND 15
            x = x + 1
            'if x>=picwidth then x=0:y=y+1
         NEXT count
         br = INT(c / 2)
         IF (c MOD 2) = 1 THEN
            GET #1, , a$
            PSET (picwidth - x - 1, picheight - y - 1), (p1 AND 240) / 16
            x = x + 1
            br = br + 1
         END IF
         IF br MOD 2 = 1 THEN GET #1, , a$
      END IF
      IF (y = picheight - 1 AND x >= picwidth) OR y >= picheight THEN ef = 1
      IF EOF(1) THEN ef = 1


SUB info
'bmpinfosize - Is the size of the information header for the bitmap.
'              Different bitmap versions have variations in filetypes.
'              40 is a standard windows 3.1 bitmap.
'              12 is for OS/2 bitmaps
'The next routine reads in the appropriate headers and colour tables.
'nbits is the number of bits per pixel - i.e. number of colours
'1 bit = 2 colours, 4 bits = 16 colours, 8 bits = 256 colours, etc.
'the 24 bit mode does not have a palette, its colours are expressed as
'image data

'Design of a windows 3.1 bitmap - Taken from bmp.txt on the
' ftp site under /pub/msdos/programming/formats
'Specifications for a Windows 3.1 bitmap. (.BMP)
'Email any questions/responses to me at
'or post to alt.lang.basic or comp.lang.basic.misc.

'       | # of   |
'Offset | bytes  | Function (value)
'-------+--------+--- General Picture information starts here---------
'  0    |   2    | (BM) - Tells us that the picture is in bmp format
'  2    |   4    | Size of the file (without header?)
'  6    |   2    | (0) Reserved1 - Must be zero
'  8    |   2    | (0) Reserved2 - Must be zero
'  10   |   4    | Number of bytes offset of the picture data
'-------+--------+--- Information Header starts here -----------------
'  14   |   4    | (40/12) Size of information header (Win3.1/OS2)
'  18   |   4    | Picture width in pixels
'  22   |   4    | Picture Height in pixels
'  26   |   2    | (1) Number of planes, must be 1
'  28   |   2    | Number of bits per pixel (bpp), must be 1,4,8 or 24
'  30   |   4    | (0) Compression - 0 means no compression, 1,2 are RLEs
'  34   |   4    | Image size in bytes
'  38   |   4    | picture width in pels per metre
'  42   |   4    | picture height in pels per metre
'  46   |   4    | (0) Number of colours used in the picture, 0 means all
'  50   |   4    | (0) Number of important colours, 0 means all
'-------+--------+--- Palette data starts here -----------------------
'  54   |   1    | (b) - blue intensity component, color 0 - range 0 to 255
'  55   |   1    | (g) - green intensity component, color 0 - range 0 to 255
'  56   |   1    | (r) - red intensity component, color 0 - range 0 to 255
'  57   |   1    | (0) - unused
'  58   |   1    | (b) - blue intensity component, color 0 - range 0 to 255
'  ...  | ...    |
'  54   | 4*2^bpp| total range of palette
'-------+--------+--- Image data starts here -------------------------
'54+    | width* | Bitmap data starting at lower left portion of the
'(4*2^n)| height*| image moving from left towards right. Moving up 1
'       | (8/bpp)| pixel when at the right hand side of the image, starting
'       |        | from the left side again, until the top right of the
'       |        | image is reached

'Note that this format is slightly different for a OS/2 Bitmap.
'The header is the same up to (but not including) bit 30-
'The palette colour values follow at bit 30, with the form...
'1 byte blue intensity
'1 byte green intensity
'1 byte red intensity
'For each colour of the picture.
'Bitmapped image data follows the colour tables

'Special note: When storing 1 bit (2 colour) pictures.
'8 horizontal pixels are packed into 1 byte. Each bit determines
'the colour of one pixel (colour 0 or colour 1)

'4 bit pictures (16 colours) use 2 nibbles (4 bits) for each pixel
'thus there are 2 pixels for each byte of image data.

'8 bit pictures use 1 byte per pixel. Each byte of image data
'represents one of 256 colours.

'24 bit pictures express colour values by using 3 bytes and each has a
'value between 0 and 255. The first byte is for red, the second is for
'green and the third is for blue. Thus (256)^3 or 2^24 of 16777216 different

'Even more special note:
'each line of bitmap images have a long word integer boundary;
'this means that at the end of each line, there may be extra "padding"
'bytes to ensure that the actual amount of data encoded with each line
'is encoded to be a multiple of 4 bytes (the size of a long word).


taken from one of the links from this site (most links are dead):