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RETROCODERS GAME-DEV JAM COMPETITION NO. 1 (01/11/2022 - 01/02/2023)

Started by ron77, Oct 13, 2022, 05:14 AM

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hello and welcome to RetroCoders First Game – Dev Competition... (Game Jam)

the Competition will be held During 01/11/2022 (First of November) and will last Till 01/02/2023 (First of February 2023 - midnight Jerusalem Time)

If You Choose to Participate here are a basic Rules:

  • All Games Should Be Made in freeBasic
  • The Game Topic Must Be One Of the Following:
  • A) Year 2023
  • B) Zombie
  • C) Institution Breakout
  • D) Hospital
  • E) Final Days
  • All Assets of the game Should Be Self Made addition: you can use free assets for your game or CC Licensed Assets(But No Copy Righted Music Sound Graphics Sprites Or Assets You Don't have Permission To use by the Artists)
  • The Game Can Be as Large Or as Small as You Wish – as Complex Or Simple as You Wish...
  • After The Competition Will End the Games Will Be Voted
  • There Is No Cash Prize... But The Glory and The Fun :)

All Who Wish to Participate Can PM the Admins Or Replay Here...

Here is the game jam page on itch.io : https://itch.io/jam/freebasic-game-jam



I'm interested. And have some game ideas in my mind.
Will apply closer to the start date.


how are you guys? i hope this jam wont be a bust :) as nobody submitted yet


My personal opinion would be that, a greater chance of participation in a Game Jam for a specific language, would be promote said Game Jam on a site that is dedicated towards that specific language. That being said, it does not hurt to promote elsewhere... But, I would also agree with one point that Aurel made, "should be for any retro basic-like language"... Having a Jam that is too specific will, by its very nature, limit the number of responses...

I am fascinated by the games that are produced by these Jams... That is why I keep my eye on them... and also to perhaps stir the imagination for any future project... lol
May your journey be free of incident.  Live long and prosper.


yeah indeed, i guess it could be on any retro language (except qb64), and that would work on windows/linux, but it would need to be able to generate binaries to run without needing internet, or to install anything on the computer... (unless we add some exception like DOSBOX)

maybe for the next jam we can actually do it properly, and even have some funding for prizes, and so on :)

anyway this one is one voting period... there was 4 entries, let me know if you guys wish me to allow anyone to vote!
(since i'm taking care of it for ronblue)
