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Directory of Sample Programs

Started by CharlieJV, Dec 17, 2022, 06:24 PM

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I'm using FeatherWiki to maintain and share BASIC Anywhere Machine programs that I publish via BAM's export feature.

BASIC Anywhere Machine - Sample Programs


Minor alteration? The programs 10,000 and 12,000 circles has pi set to 3.1415929 instead of 3.141592654.

The first two programs I looked at because they were graphical. Had to check the listings to see how they were drawn... There it was... "PI"... Looking at me saying, "I dare you. I just dare you. Go ahead... Report the error... I dare you..."   So, I accepted the dare...

Oh, if I were only just as critical with my own programs... *sigh* I would be a far better programmer... *sigh*

By the way... Great idea to have the sample programs listed... Cool...
May your journey be free of incident.  Live long and prosper.


Quote from: johnno56 on Dec 18, 2022, 07:08 PMMinor alteration? The programs 10,000 and 12,000 circles has pi set to 3.1415929 instead of 3.141592654.

The first two programs I looked at because they were graphical. Had to check the listings to see how they were drawn... There it was... "PI"... Looking at me saying, "I dare you. I just dare you. Go ahead... Report the error... I dare you..."   So, I accepted the dare...

Oh, if I were only just as critical with my own programs... *sigh* I would be a far better programmer... *sigh*

By the way... Great idea to have the sample programs listed... Cool...

ARG!  I don't know where I copied that from.  I'm going to have to fix that in a bunch of BAM programs related  to Hamid Naderi Yeganeh's trigonometric art.

Good catch !


I would not be too overly concerned... For simple graphics programs, Pi set to 3 or 4 decimal places should be fine, but if you were calculating the potential positions of planets in a 'real-time' Solar System model... That may be another story... It is just me... I prefer Pi to a rounded 9 decimal places... I guess I am just 'wired' that way... lol
May your journey be free of incident.  Live long and prosper.