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Testing: _DEFCHR$ statement to define new 8x8 characters for ascii codes

Started by CharlieJV, Apr 21, 2023, 01:30 AM

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A little something I'm trying out as an easy way to associate new custom characters to existing ascii codes as substitutes to the character set in BAM.

Characters are only 8 x 8 pixels, so it isn't a lot of room to work with.

The idea is to have a no fuss no muss way of creating interesting graphics characters for old-school BASIC programs.  An easy way to jazz up the appearances of these applications without altering the original code other than add new characters at the beginning of the program, and replace any characters in the original code with the appropriate chr$() values.

Sample program:

Test version of BASIC Anywhere Machine. (In the definition string, only uppercase "X" characters will produce pixels in the new character; all other characters in the string will result in no turned on pixels in those positions.)



This is SO cool... Very reminiscent of my old Amstrad days... I wonder...

Thank you so much!
May your journey be free of incident.  Live long and prosper.


I'm a big fan of simple character-based graphics.

You inspired me to get this working.

I hope to have a new version of BAM out in a day or two.
