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Vocab Quiz

Started by johnno56, Mar 29, 2023, 06:58 PM

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This is a conversion of the 1979 TRS-80 version of Vocabulary Quiz by Tom Rugg and Phil Feldman but it does not quite work properly. I will attempt to attach the fully working conversion to QB64pe.

I am not sure if the problem lies with the RND function or perhaps a quirk in the arrays... I 'really' do wish all these 'Basics' standardise RND... grrr

Anyway... the BAM code...

120 Screen _newimage(640,480,16)
300 GoSub 1000 '    INTRO
400 GoSub 2000 '    READ INFO
500 GoSub 3000
600 GoSub 4000 '    ASK
700 GoSub 5000 '    CHOOSE
800 GoSub 6000 '    SCORE
900 If E = 0 Then GoTo 500
910 GoTo 300
990 '
1000 If E <> 0 Then GoTo 1060
1010 Cls
1020 Print "**** VOCABULARY QUIZ ****"
1030 Print
1060 Print
1120 If L > 4 Then GoTo 1140
1130 Print "THAT'S NOT ENOUGH.  LET'S DO 5.": L = 5
1140 If E <> 0 Then GoTo 1200
1150 Print
1160 Randomize Timer
1200 Return
2000 If E <> 0 Then GoTo 2200
2010 C = 5
2020 D = 296
2030 Dim D$(D), E$(D)
2040 Dim P(C)
2050 J = 1
2060 Read D$(J)
2070 If D$(J) = "XXX" Then GoTo 2140
2090 Read E$(J)
2100 J = J + 1
2110 If J <= D Then GoTo 2060
2130 Print "ONLY THE FIRST "; D; " WILL BE USED."
2140 D = J - 1
2200 Q = 1
2210 E = 0
2220 Q1 = 0
2300 Return
3000 For J = 1 To C
3010	P(J) = 0
3020 Next
3030 For J = 1 To C
3040 	P = Int(Rnd * D) + 1
3045 	If P = P1 Or P = P2 Or P = P3 Then GoTo 3040
3050 	For K = 1 To J
3060 		If P(K) = P Then GoTo 3040
3070 	Next K
3080 	P(J) = P
3090 Next J
3110 A = Int(Rnd * C) + 1
3200 Return
4000 Print
' 4010 M = Int(Rnd * 2) + 1
' 4020 If M = 2 Then GoTo 4100
' 4030 Print Q; " -- WHAT WORD MEANS "; UCase$(E$(P(A))); "?"
' 4040 For J = 1 To C
' 4050 	Locate , 5: Print J; " -- "; UCase$(D$(P(J)))
' 4060 Next
' 4070 GoTo 4210
4100 Print Q; ":  WHAT DOES "; UCase$(D$(P(A))); " MEAN?"
4110 For J = 1 To C
4120 	Locate , 5: Print J; ".   "; UCase$(E$(P(J)))
4130 Next
4210 Return
5000 Input R
5010 If R >= 1 And R <= C Then GoTo 5050
5020 Print "I NEED A NUMBER FROM 1 TO "; C
5030 GoTo 5000
5050 If R = A Then GoTo 5100
5060 Print "NO.  THE ANSWER IS NUMBER "; A
5070 GoTo 5210
5100 Print "RIGHT!!"
5110 Q1 = Q1 + 1
5210 If Q1 = 1 Then GoTo 5300
5220 Print "YOU HAVE "; Q1; " OUT OF "; Q; " QUESTIONS RIGHT."
5300 P3 = P2
5310 P2 = P1
5320 P1 = P(A)
5330 Return
6000 Q = Q + 1
6010 If Q <= L Then Return
6020 E = 1
6030 Q = Q1 * 100 / (Q - 1)
6040 If Q > 0 Then GoTo 6070
6050 Print "WELL, THAT'S A 'PERFECT' SCORE..."
6060 GoTo 6200
6070 Print "THAT'S "; Q; "%"
6080 If Q > 25 Then GoTo 6110
6090 Print "YOU CAN DO BETTER!"
6100 GoTo 6200
6110 If Q > 50 Then GoTo 6140
6130 GoTo 6200
6140 If Q > 75 Then GoTo 6170
6160 GoTo 6200
6170 Print "VERY GOOD!"
6180 If Q > 95 Then Print "YOU ARE ALMOST AS SMART AS I AM...!"
6200 Print
6210 Input "WANT TO TRY AGAIN "; R$: R$ = Left$(UCase$(R$), 1)
6220 If R$ <> "N" Then GoTo 6240
6230 Print: Print "THANK YOU FOR PLAYING!": Print: End
6240 If R$ <> "Y" Then GoTo 6210
6250 Return
6997 '
7000 '
7001 Data "Autolatry","Self-worship"
7002 Data "Enneagon","Polygon with nine sides"
7003 Data "Rhomboid","Shaped like a parallelogram"
7004 'Data "Quadripole","Device having one pair of output terminals and one pair of input terminals"
7005 Data "Automysophobia","Fear of being dirty"
7006 Data "Linchpin","Person or thing vital to an organization"
7007 Data "Randem","With three horses in single file"
7008 Data "Cledonism","Circumlocution used to avoid speaking unlucky words"
7009 Data "Cetology","Study of whales and dolphins"
7010 Data "Anomie","Condition of lacking accepted social values or standards"
7011 Data "Murally","By means of walls; on or from a wall"
7012 Data "Erotophobia","Fear of sex"
7013 Data "Bezel","Oblique side or face of a cut gem"
7014 Data "Xiphophyllous","Having sword-shaped leaves"
7015 Data "Cacuminal","Retroflex, pertaining to a point, crown, top or peak"
7016 Data "Daedal","Formed with art; displaying inventive skill"
7017 Data "Nephelometry","Measurement of cloudiness of liquids"
7018 Data "Spiloma","Birthmark; nevus"
7019 Data "Quisquilious","Made of rubbish"
7020 Data "Passus","Section of a poem or story"
7021 Data "Cocarde","Emblem on airplane's wing indicating its nationality"
7022 Data "Manicism","Left-handedness"
7023 Data "Gypsiferous","Bearing gypsum"
7024 Data "Physagogue","Substance causing flatulence"
7025 Data "Menticide","Reduction of mind by psychological pressure"
7026 Data "Wortle","Perforated plate through which wire drawn to make thinner"
7027 Data "Mehari","Camel used for racing"
7028 Data "Distraint","Seizure of goods"
7029 Data "Mizzenmast","Mast aft or next aft of the mainmast in a ship"
7030 Data "Jackyard","Spar used to spread the foot of a gaff-topsail"
7031 Data "Venerer","Gamekeeper; hunter"
7032 Data "Episcopolatry","Worship of bishops"
7033 Data "Tropophyte","Plant adapted to alterations of moisture and drought"
7034 Data "Turnspit","Person who turns a roasting spit"
7035 Data "Psychometry","Measurement of intelligence and psychological attributes"
7036 Data "Aretaics","The science of virtue"
7037 Data "Sadogue","Fat; easy-going person"
7038 Data "Ventiduct","Ventilating pipe or passage"
7039 Data "Hebephrenia","Form of dementia occurring at puberty"
7040 Data "Festilogy","Treatise on ecclesiastical festivals"
7041 Data "Villatic","Rural; of, like or pertaining to a villa"
7042 Data "Tsiology","Treatise on tea"
7043 Data "Phememe","Smallest possible linguistic unit"
7044 Data "Pastourelle","Medieval poem between knight and shepherdess"
7045 Data "Cardialgia","Heartburn"
7046 Data "Pseudaposematic","Imitating the coloration of a dangerous animal"
7047 Data "Retrorse","Turned back or downward"
7048 Data "Scapegrace","Scoundrel; incorrigible man or boy"
7049 Data "Lentiform","Shaped like a lens"
7050 Data "Obnixely","Earnestly; strenuously"
7051 Data "Tirasse","Pedal-coupler in an organ"
7052 Data "Outré","Beyond what is proper; extravagant"
7053 Data "Yikker","To utter sharp little cries"
7054 Data "Zizz","Sparkle; vim"
7055 Data "Phialine","Resembling a phial"
7056 Data "Camlet","Strong waterproof silk or wool fabric"
7057 Data "Foliate","To cover with leaf metal; to number the leaves of"
7058 Data "Aischrolatry","Worship of filth, dirt, or smut"
7059 Data "Mesic","Adapted to life with a moderate supply of moisture"
7060 Data "Disciform","Round or oval in shape"
7061 Data "Ludibund","Playful"
7062 Data "Serratic","Like a saw"
7063 Data "Eviternal","Eternal"
7064 Data "Stupulose","Downy"
7065 Data "Impennate","Featherless; wingless"
7066 Data "Assart","To reclaim for agriculture by clearing away trees"
7067 Data "Immunogenetics","Study of genetic characteristics of immunity"
7068 Data "Cadrans","Instrument by which a gem is adjusted while being cut"
7069 Data "Anthropotheism","Belief that gods are only deified men"
7070 Data "Vadimony","Bond or pledge given before a judge"
7071 Data "Ailette","Plate of armour worn on shoulder"
7072 Data "Piscicapturist","Fisherman"
7073 Data "Nipter","Ecclesiastical ceremony of washing the feet"
7074 Data "Verbatim","Word for word"
7075 Data "Bordereau","Detailed bill or invoice"
7076 Data "Temporaneous","Lasting only a short while"
7077 Data "Juglandaceous","Of, like or pertaining to walnuts"
7078 Data "Paludal","Of, like or pertaining to marshes; marshy; malarial"
7079 Data "Psychagogue","Conductor of souls to the underworld"
7080 Data "Sough","Drain; sewer; adit"
7081 Data "Obeism","Practice of West African magic"
7082 Data "Sesquiduplicate","Having a ratio of five to two"
7083 Data "Howdah","Seat with a canopy erected on an elephant's back"
7084 Data "Symphily","Living together for mutual benefit"
7085 Data "Cophosis","Deafness"
7086 Data "Mustelid","Otters, badgers and weasels"
7087 Data "Tamin","Thin glazed worsted"
7088 Data "Drupaceous","Of, like or pertaining to drupes or stone-fruits"
7089 Data "Mariolatry","Worship of the virgin mother"
7090 Data "Timeous","In good time; seasonable"
7091 Data "Anile","Imbecilic; senile; like a very old woman"
7092 Data "Planimeter","Instrument for measuring area of plane figures"
7093 Data "Geogeny","Science of the formation of the earth's crust"
7094 Data "Garner","Granary; store of anything"
7095 Data "Scilicet","To wit; namely"
7096 Data "Pyknometer","Instrument for measuring specific gravities"
7097 Data "Pinnate","Shaped like a feather"
7098 Data "Iracund","Inclined to become angry"
7099 Data "Campaniform","Bell-shaped"
7100 Data "Quadratrix","A curve by which a circle may be squared"
7101 Data "Satanology","Study of devil"
7102 'Data "Metanalysis","Incorrect placement of 'n' at start of word following a nindefinite article"
7103 Data "Boston","Waltz-like dance"
7104 Data "Scincoid","Of or resembling a skink"
7105 Data "Zoomorphic","Having the form or shape of an animal"
7106 Data "Placitum","Decision of a court or an assembly"
7107 Data "Serment","Oath"
7108 Data "Pight","To pitch"
7109 Data "Decalvant","Removing hair; depilatory"
7110 Data "Ventriduct","To turn towards the belly"
7111 Data "Filibeg","Kilt"
7112 Data "Proligerous","Bearing offspring"
7113 Data "Pycnosis","Thickening"
7114 Data "Roturier","Plebeian"
7115 Data "Pathophobia","Fear of disease"
7116 Data "Nares","The nostrils"
7117 Data "Sangfroid","Coolness; composure"
7118 Data "Pomiform","Shaped like an apple"
7119 Data "Diallage","Device in which many arguments brought upon one point"
7120 Data "Cascabel","Part behind the base-ring of a cannon"
7121 Data "Isopycnic","Line connecting points of equal density"
7122 Data "Belonoid","Shaped like a needle"
7123 Data "Spectroheliograph","Instrument for taking pictures of the sun"
7124 Data "Pomaceous","Of, like or pertaining to or consisting of apples"
7125 Data "Ragabash","Idle worthless fellow"
7126 Data "Leptochrous","Abnormally thick-skinned"
7127 Data "Trachyphonia","Roughness of voice"
7128 Data "Evaporimeter","Instrument for measuring rate of evaporation"
7129 Data "Aboutsledge","Largest blacksmith's hammer"
7130 Data "Arachnology","Study of spiders"
7131 Data "Revetment","Retaining wall"
7132 Data "Borsella","Instrument for shaping glass vessels"
7133 Data "Fulsome","Nauseatingly affectionate, admiring or praiseful"
7134 Data "Pantagruelian","Marked by extravagant and coarse satire"
7135 Data "Ceramography","Historical description of types of pottery"
7136 Data "Vagile","Having the ability to move about"
7137 Data "Paedophilia","Abnormal love or sexual attraction for children"
7138 Data "Crebrous","Frequent"
7139 Data "Accessit","Prize for students in second place; honourable mention"
7140 Data "Spritsail","Sail extended by a sprit"
7141 Data "Nectareal","Of or like nectar"
7142 Data "Hagioscope","Opening in wall to enable viewing of altar"
7143 Data "Oersted","Unit of magnetic field strength"
7144 Data "Binnacle","Case in which a ship's compass is kept"
7145 Data "Adventive","A thing or person coming from outside"
7146 Data "Tiffany","Transparent silk-like gauzy fabric"
7147 Data "Rath","Prehistoric hill fort"
7148 Data "Encomium","Glowing and warmly enthusiastic praise"
7149 Data "Benthic","Of, like or pertaining to the depths of the ocean"
7150 Data "Bialate","Two-winged"
7151 Data "Myrmecophagous","Feeding on ants"
7152 Data "Stillion","Cask stand"
7153 Data "Pelurious","Furry; hairy"
7154 Data "Thrioboly","Divination using pebbles"
7155 Data "Idempotent","Quantity which does not change when squared"
7156 Data "Fenestella","Recess in church wall for storing communion vessels"
7157 Data "Osmesis","Act of smelling"
7158 Data "Valuta","Comparative value of a currency"
7159 Data "Penduline","Building a pendulous nest"
7160 Data "Phratry","Clan or tribe"
7161 Data "Rhombos","Bull-roarer"
7162 Data "Ombre","Shadowy; shaded; dusky"
7163 Data "Beatster","Fish net repairer"
7164 Data "Tribometer","Instrument measuring friction"
7165 Data "Brobdingnagian","Immense"
7166 Data "Scintillant","Sparkling"
7167 Data "Stegnosis","Constipation"
7168 Data "Ditheism","Belief in two equal gods, one good and one evil"
7169 Data "Banderol","Flat band with an inscription; small banner"
7170 Data "Chevon","Goat flesh"
7171 Data "Impropriate","To appropriate for private use"
7172 Data "Deuteragonist","A person who serves as a foil to another"
7173 Data "Raticide","Substance or person who kills rats"
7174 Data "Gladiate","Shaped like a sword"
7175 Data "Horal","Of, like or pertaining to hours; hourly"
7176 Data "Hepatology","Study of liver"
7177 Data "Hydrargyrism","Mercury poisoning"
7178 Data "Calorimeter","Instrument for measuring absorbed or evolved heat"
7179 Data "Zootaxy","Science of classifying animals"
7180 Data "Chrematistics","The study of wealth; political economy"
7181 Data "Iatrophobia","Fear of going to the doctor"
7182 Data "Jennet","Small Spanish horse"
7183 Data "Androlepsia","Governmental kidnapping for political purposes"
7184 Data "Trialism","Doctrine that humans have three separate essences (body, soul, spirit)"
7185 'Data "Rotameter","Instrument consisting of glass tube with free float for measuring liquid flow"
7186 Data "Vastidity","Vastness; a vast extent"
7187 Data "Tatou","Armadillo"
7188 Data "Fore","At an earlier time or period"
7189 Data "Whereuntil","To what"
7190 Data "Cliometrics","The application of statistics in economic history"
7191 Data "Emption","The act of buying; purchase"
7192 Data "Smalt","Deep blue"
7193 Data "Miniaturist","One who paints miniature pictures"
7194 Data "Instrumental","Indicating means by which"
7195 Data "Oligopsony","Market situation of few buyers of a service"
7196 Data "Turdiform","Like a thrush"
7197 Data "Diathesis","Particular condition of body or mind; predisposing factor"
7198 Data "Matachin","Spanish ritualised sword-dance or battle dance"
7199 Data "Metallogenic","Metal occurring as an ore as opposed to in rocks"
7200 Data "Glumiferous","Bearing glumes"
7201 Data "Opisthosomal","Of, like or pertaining to posteriors"
7202 Data "Agathodaimon","One's good genius; the good part of one's conscience"
7203 Data "Minuend","Number from which another is to be subtracted"
7204 Data "Forinsecal","Foreign; alien; extrinsic"
7205 Data "Jinker","Light horse-drawn passenger carriage"
7206 Data "Aposiopesis","Suddenly stopping in the middle of a speech for emphasis"
7207 Data "Barrateen","Some kind of fabric"
7208 Data "Archaeolatry","Worship of archaic things or old customs"
7209 Data "Pedological","Of, like or pertaining to soils"
7210 Data "Teleorganic","Vital"
7211 Data "Systyle","Having columns separated by a distance of twice their thickness"
7212 Data "Keraunoscopia","Divination using thunder"
7213 Data "Housel","The eucharist; the act of taking the eucharist"
7214 Data "Whipcord","Fabric with bold twill used for making dresses"
7215 Data "Sideromancy","Divination using stars; divination by burning straws"
7216 Data "Cullion","Mean or base person; rascal"
7217 Data "Hermeneutic","Of, like or pertaining to the interpretation of passages"
7218 Data "Eutony","Pleasantness of the sound of a word"
7219 Data "Testaceous","Of or having a hard shell; brick-red"
7220 Data "Baryphonic","Having difficulty speaking"
7221 Data "Advection","Horizontal movement of air"
7222 Data "Seric","Silken"
7223 Data "Graminology","Study of grasses"
7224 Data "Renitent","Resistant; reluctant; recalcitrant"
7225 Data "Triboluminescence","Emission of light caused by friction"
7226 Data "Aberdevine","Alternate name for the siskin"
7227 Data "Magnetics","Study of magnetism"
7228 Data "Adjudge","To decide; to award"
7229 Data "Scotophobia","Fear of the dark"
7230 Data "Peccavi","Admission of sin or guilt"
7231 Data "Alginuresis","Painful urination"
7232 Data "Yardang","Ridge formed by wind erosion parallel to prevailing winds"
7233 Data "Pornomania","Obsession with pornography"
7234 Data "Actinograph","Instrument used to calculate time of photographic exposure"
7235 Data "Kore","Ancient Greek statue of a draped maiden"
7236 Data "Orchesography","Notation of dance movements by means of diagrams"
7237 Data "Yelek","Outer garment worn by Turkish women"
7238 Data "Hamble","To mutilate a dog by cutting of the balls of its feet"
7239 Data "Ait","Small island in lake or river"
7240 Data "Sphygmology","Study of the pulse"
7241 Data "Zabernism","Misuse of military authority; bullying"
7242 Data "Gastrolith","Stone ingested by an animal to aid in digestion"
7243 Data "Pediculous","Lousy"
7244 Data "Luxmeter","Instrument for measuring illumination"
7245 Data "Serotinous","Flowering late"
7246 Data "Zebu","Ox with hump and dewlap"
7247 Data "Oremus","Roman Catholic liturgical prayer"
7248 Data "Jocko","A chimpanzee"
7249 Data "Antrorse","Turned upward and forward"
7250 Data "Skep","Straw beehive"
7251 Data "Vedette","Mounted sentry stationed to watch for enemy"
7252 Data "Concetto","Ingenious expression; witticism"
7253 Data "Dialectology","Study of dialects"
7254 Data "Maremma","Marsh; miasma"
7255 Data "Incipient","Beginning; in an early stage"
7256 Data "Libration","Apparent oscillation of moon's visible surface"
7257 Data "Odium","Hatred; offensiveness; blame"
7258 'Data "Zootype","Animal serving as a type; figure of an animal used to represent a deity"
7259 Data "Rubiginous","Rusty-coloured"
7260 Data "Ancipitous","Two-edged and flattened"
7261 Data "Impudicity","Shamelessness"
7262 Data "Subitize","To perceive number of items in a group without counting"
7263 Data "Adminicle","That which supports or aids, especially evidence"
7264 Data "Darraign","To vindicate; to justify or prove"
7265 Data "Chancel","Part of church containing altar and seats for choir"
7266 Data "Hereticate","To denounce as heretical"
7267 Data "Cedrate","Citron"
7268 Data "Kava","Narcotic drink prepared from Polynesian plant"
7269 Data "Skeletogenous","Producing a skeleton"
7270 Data "Waterage","Fee paid for travelling on water"
7271 Data "Hylactic","Barking; in a barking manner"
7272 Data "Antistrophe","Repetition of words in reverse order"
7273 Data "Calodemon","Good or beneficial spirit"
7274 Data "Zho","Cross between a yak and a cow"
7275 Data "Anogenic","Formed from below or beneath"
7276 Data "Naology","Study of church or temple architecture"
7277 Data "Argentiferous","Bearing silver"
7278 Data "Bobstay","Rope used on ships to steady the bowsprit"
7279 Data "Defluvium","Falling of hair"
7280 'Data "Xenodiagnosis","Diagnosis of disease by allowing laboratory-bred diseases to affect material"
7281 Data "Quarrion","Australian parrot like the cockatiel"
7282 Data "Poculation","Drinking of alcoholic beverages"
7283 Data "Feria","Weekday of a church calendar on which no holiday falls"
7284 Data "Toroid","Shaped like a doughnut or anchor-ring"
7285 Data "Zeppole","A variety of doughnut"
7286 Data "Inusitation","Disuse; disrepair"
7287 Data "Jumboism","Admiration for large things"
7288 Data "Hent","To grasp; to seize"
7289 Data "Dulia","Inferior veneration of saints and angels in comparison with God"
7290 Data "Rancelman","Local constable or law officer in Orkney and Shetland"
7291 Data "Symphonia","Old name for the hurdy-gurdy or other musical instruments"
7292 Data "Retiary","Of nets; using nets as a weapon; catching insects in webs"
7293 Data "Pelasgic","Nomadic"
7294 Data "Sybaritic","Devoted to luxury"
7295 Data "Asperge","To sprinkle"
7296 Data "Longueur","Period of dullness or tedium"
7297 Data "Hieropathic","Pertaining to a strong love of the clergy"
7298 Data "Trochilidine","Of, like or pertaining to hummingbirds"
7299 Data "Sociogenesis","Origin of human societies"
7300 Data "Micropalaeontology","Study of microscopic fossils"
7999 Data "XXX","XXX"

... and the QB64pe file

You cannot view this attachment.

I have a "line numberless" version that I would like to try. But it too is based on the above file

Note: The original vocab program only had 13 words and definitions. This conversion had 300 words but about 5 of the definitions were a little too wordy (>68 chars) The numberless version has more than 15,000 words... hence the reason for the external file access... Oh I can see this one being a huge data statement nightmare... lol  It could be fun!

If you would be so kind as to check the logic (assuming of course if time permits) and then let me know where I have slipped up again? *sigh*  Many thanks in advance...

Almost 6am and my first coffee is still hot... yummo...
May your journey be free of incident.  Live long and prosper.


Right away, I see (I think) a problem in how this problem does arrays.  Well, more importantly: a problem with how BAM handles arrays.

An array in BAM should only be declared once for the maximum size ever needed, because REDIM does not work.

So any arrays for the program ought to be declared before use, and never declared again.

I have to run off to the store to pick up some groceries, but I'll sneak a peek at the program again after supper.


I just noticed something else.

P = Int(Rnd * D) + 1
3045 	If P = P1 Or P = P2 Or P = P3 Then GoTo 3040
3050 	For K = 1 To J
3060 		If P(K) = P Then GoTo 3040
3070 	Next K
3080 	P(J) = P

I am pretty sure BAM gets confused when a program has a variable and an array sharing the same name.


... and here I was thinking it might be that rascal RND poking its head up... Did not think of array names... I will make sure that the arrays are defined at or near the top of the program (similar to QB64pe) and to rename the P() arrays... Thank you for the tips... I too have to pop out for groceries... too wet to take the bicycle... looks like I am walking... Maybe back in a hour... (is 8:18am now)
May your journey be free of incident.  Live long and prosper.


Ok. This version seems to work ok.

Simply placed all the "Dim"'s near the top and exchanged all the P() arrays to PP().

120 Screen _newimage(640,480,16)
130 C = 5
140 D = 296
150 Dim D$(D)
160 Dim E$(D)
170 Dim PP(C)
300 GoSub 1000 '    INTRO
400 GoSub 2000 '    READ INFO
500 GoSub 3000
600 GoSub 4000 '    ASK
700 GoSub 5000 '    CHOOSE
800 GoSub 6000 '    SCORE
900 If E = 0 Then GoTo 500
910 GoTo 300
990 '
1000 If E <> 0 Then GoTo 1060
1010 Cls
1020 Print "**** VOCABULARY QUIZ ****"
1030 Print
1060 Print
1120 If L > 4 Then GoTo 1140
1130 Print "THAT'S NOT ENOUGH.  LET'S DO 5.": L = 5
1140 If E <> 0 Then GoTo 1200
1150 Print
1160 Randomize Timer
1200 Return
2000 If E <> 0 Then GoTo 2200
2010 ' C = 5
2020 ' D = 296
2030 ' Dim D$(D), E$(D)
2040 ' Dim PP(C)
2050 J = 1
2060 Read D$(J)
2070 If D$(J) = "XXX" Then GoTo 2140
2090 Read E$(J)
2100 J = J + 1
2110 If J <= D Then GoTo 2060
2130 Print "ONLY THE FIRST "; D; " WILL BE USED."
2140 D = J - 1
2200 Q = 1
2210 E = 0
2220 Q1 = 0
2300 Return
3000 For J = 1 To C
3010	PP(J) = 0
3020 Next
3030 For J = 1 To C
3040 	P = Int(Rnd * D) + 1
3045 	If P = P1 Or P = P2 Or P = P3 Then GoTo 3040
3050 	For K = 1 To J
3060 		If PP(K) = P Then GoTo 3040
3070 	Next K
3080 	PP(J) = P
3090 Next J
3110 A = Int(Rnd * C) + 1
3200 Return
4000 Print
' 4010 M = Int(Rnd * 2) + 1
' 4020 If M = 2 Then GoTo 4100
' 4030 Print Q; " -- WHAT WORD MEANS "; UCase$(E$(PP(A))); "?"
' 4040 For J = 1 To C
' 4050 	Locate , 5: Print J; " -- "; UCase$(D$(PP(J)))
' 4060 Next
' 4070 GoTo 4210
4100 Print Q; ":  WHAT DOES "; UCase$(D$(PP(A))); " MEAN?"
4110 For J = 1 To C
4120 	Locate , 5: Print J; ".   "; UCase$(E$(PP(J)))
4130 Next
4210 Return
5000 Input R
5010 If R >= 1 And R <= C Then GoTo 5050
5020 Print "I NEED A NUMBER FROM 1 TO "; C
5030 GoTo 5000
5050 If R = A Then GoTo 5100
5060 Print "NO.  THE ANSWER IS NUMBER "; A
5070 GoTo 5210
5100 Print "RIGHT!!"
5110 Q1 = Q1 + 1
5210 If Q1 = 1 Then GoTo 5300
5220 Print "YOU HAVE "; Q1; " OUT OF "; Q; " QUESTIONS RIGHT."
5300 P3 = P2
5310 P2 = P1
5320 P1 = PP(A)
5330 Return
6000 Q = Q + 1
6010 If Q <= L Then Return
6020 E = 1
6030 Q = Q1 * 100 / (Q - 1)
6040 If Q > 0 Then GoTo 6070
6050 Print "WELL, THAT'S A 'PERFECT' SCORE..."
6060 GoTo 6200
6070 Print "THAT'S "; Q; "%"
6080 If Q > 25 Then GoTo 6110
6090 Print "YOU CAN DO BETTER!"
6100 GoTo 6200
6110 If Q > 50 Then GoTo 6140
6130 GoTo 6200
6140 If Q > 75 Then GoTo 6170
6160 GoTo 6200
6170 Print "VERY GOOD!"
6180 If Q > 95 Then Print "YOU ARE ALMOST AS SMART AS I AM...!"
6200 Print
6210 Input "WANT TO TRY AGAIN "; R$: R$ = Left$(UCase$(R$), 1)
6220 If R$ <> "N" Then GoTo 6240
6230 Print: Print "THANK YOU FOR PLAYING!": Print: End
6240 If R$ <> "Y" Then GoTo 6210
6250 Return
6997 '
7000 '
7001 Data "Autolatry","Self-worship"
7002 Data "Enneagon","Polygon with nine sides"
7003 Data "Rhomboid","Shaped like a parallelogram"
7004 'Data "Quadripole","Device having one pair of output terminals and one pair of input terminals"
7005 Data "Automysophobia","Fear of being dirty"
7006 Data "Linchpin","Person or thing vital to an organization"
7007 Data "Randem","With three horses in single file"
7008 Data "Cledonism","Circumlocution used to avoid speaking unlucky words"
7009 Data "Cetology","Study of whales and dolphins"
7010 Data "Anomie","Condition of lacking accepted social values or standards"
7011 Data "Murally","By means of walls; on or from a wall"
7012 Data "Erotophobia","Fear of sex"
7013 Data "Bezel","Oblique side or face of a cut gem"
7014 Data "Xiphophyllous","Having sword-shaped leaves"
7015 Data "Cacuminal","Retroflex, pertaining to a point, crown, top or peak"
7016 Data "Daedal","Formed with art; displaying inventive skill"
7017 Data "Nephelometry","Measurement of cloudiness of liquids"
7018 Data "Spiloma","Birthmark; nevus"
7019 Data "Quisquilious","Made of rubbish"
7020 Data "Passus","Section of a poem or story"
7021 Data "Cocarde","Emblem on airplane's wing indicating its nationality"
7022 Data "Manicism","Left-handedness"
7023 Data "Gypsiferous","Bearing gypsum"
7024 Data "Physagogue","Substance causing flatulence"
7025 Data "Menticide","Reduction of mind by psychological pressure"
7026 Data "Wortle","Perforated plate through which wire drawn to make thinner"
7027 Data "Mehari","Camel used for racing"
7028 Data "Distraint","Seizure of goods"
7029 Data "Mizzenmast","Mast aft or next aft of the mainmast in a ship"
7030 Data "Jackyard","Spar used to spread the foot of a gaff-topsail"
7031 Data "Venerer","Gamekeeper; hunter"
7032 Data "Episcopolatry","Worship of bishops"
7033 Data "Tropophyte","Plant adapted to alterations of moisture and drought"
7034 Data "Turnspit","Person who turns a roasting spit"
7035 Data "Psychometry","Measurement of intelligence and psychological attributes"
7036 Data "Aretaics","The science of virtue"
7037 Data "Sadogue","Fat; easy-going person"
7038 Data "Ventiduct","Ventilating pipe or passage"
7039 Data "Hebephrenia","Form of dementia occurring at puberty"
7040 Data "Festilogy","Treatise on ecclesiastical festivals"
7041 Data "Villatic","Rural; of, like or pertaining to a villa"
7042 Data "Tsiology","Treatise on tea"
7043 Data "Phememe","Smallest possible linguistic unit"
7044 Data "Pastourelle","Medieval poem between knight and shepherdess"
7045 Data "Cardialgia","Heartburn"
7046 Data "Pseudaposematic","Imitating the coloration of a dangerous animal"
7047 Data "Retrorse","Turned back or downward"
7048 Data "Scapegrace","Scoundrel; incorrigible man or boy"
7049 Data "Lentiform","Shaped like a lens"
7050 Data "Obnixely","Earnestly; strenuously"
7051 Data "Tirasse","Pedal-coupler in an organ"
7052 Data "Outré","Beyond what is proper; extravagant"
7053 Data "Yikker","To utter sharp little cries"
7054 Data "Zizz","Sparkle; vim"
7055 Data "Phialine","Resembling a phial"
7056 Data "Camlet","Strong waterproof silk or wool fabric"
7057 Data "Foliate","To cover with leaf metal; to number the leaves of"
7058 Data "Aischrolatry","Worship of filth, dirt, or smut"
7059 Data "Mesic","Adapted to life with a moderate supply of moisture"
7060 Data "Disciform","Round or oval in shape"
7061 Data "Ludibund","Playful"
7062 Data "Serratic","Like a saw"
7063 Data "Eviternal","Eternal"
7064 Data "Stupulose","Downy"
7065 Data "Impennate","Featherless; wingless"
7066 Data "Assart","To reclaim for agriculture by clearing away trees"
7067 Data "Immunogenetics","Study of genetic characteristics of immunity"
7068 Data "Cadrans","Instrument by which a gem is adjusted while being cut"
7069 Data "Anthropotheism","Belief that gods are only deified men"
7070 Data "Vadimony","Bond or pledge given before a judge"
7071 Data "Ailette","Plate of armour worn on shoulder"
7072 Data "Piscicapturist","Fisherman"
7073 Data "Nipter","Ecclesiastical ceremony of washing the feet"
7074 Data "Verbatim","Word for word"
7075 Data "Bordereau","Detailed bill or invoice"
7076 Data "Temporaneous","Lasting only a short while"
7077 Data "Juglandaceous","Of, like or pertaining to walnuts"
7078 Data "Paludal","Of, like or pertaining to marshes; marshy; malarial"
7079 Data "Psychagogue","Conductor of souls to the underworld"
7080 Data "Sough","Drain; sewer; adit"
7081 Data "Obeism","Practice of West African magic"
7082 Data "Sesquiduplicate","Having a ratio of five to two"
7083 Data "Howdah","Seat with a canopy erected on an elephant's back"
7084 Data "Symphily","Living together for mutual benefit"
7085 Data "Cophosis","Deafness"
7086 Data "Mustelid","Otters, badgers and weasels"
7087 Data "Tamin","Thin glazed worsted"
7088 Data "Drupaceous","Of, like or pertaining to drupes or stone-fruits"
7089 Data "Mariolatry","Worship of the virgin mother"
7090 Data "Timeous","In good time; seasonable"
7091 Data "Anile","Imbecilic; senile; like a very old woman"
7092 Data "Planimeter","Instrument for measuring area of plane figures"
7093 Data "Geogeny","Science of the formation of the earth's crust"
7094 Data "Garner","Granary; store of anything"
7095 Data "Scilicet","To wit; namely"
7096 Data "Pyknometer","Instrument for measuring specific gravities"
7097 Data "Pinnate","Shaped like a feather"
7098 Data "Iracund","Inclined to become angry"
7099 Data "Campaniform","Bell-shaped"
7100 Data "Quadratrix","A curve by which a circle may be squared"
7101 Data "Satanology","Study of devil"
7102 'Data "Metanalysis","Incorrect placement of 'n' at start of word following a nindefinite article"
7103 Data "Boston","Waltz-like dance"
7104 Data "Scincoid","Of or resembling a skink"
7105 Data "Zoomorphic","Having the form or shape of an animal"
7106 Data "Placitum","Decision of a court or an assembly"
7107 Data "Serment","Oath"
7108 Data "Pight","To pitch"
7109 Data "Decalvant","Removing hair; depilatory"
7110 Data "Ventriduct","To turn towards the belly"
7111 Data "Filibeg","Kilt"
7112 Data "Proligerous","Bearing offspring"
7113 Data "Pycnosis","Thickening"
7114 Data "Roturier","Plebeian"
7115 Data "Pathophobia","Fear of disease"
7116 Data "Nares","The nostrils"
7117 Data "Sangfroid","Coolness; composure"
7118 Data "Pomiform","Shaped like an apple"
7119 Data "Diallage","Device in which many arguments brought upon one point"
7120 Data "Cascabel","Part behind the base-ring of a cannon"
7121 Data "Isopycnic","Line connecting points of equal density"
7122 Data "Belonoid","Shaped like a needle"
7123 Data "Spectroheliograph","Instrument for taking pictures of the sun"
7124 Data "Pomaceous","Of, like or pertaining to or consisting of apples"
7125 Data "Ragabash","Idle worthless fellow"
7126 Data "Leptochrous","Abnormally thick-skinned"
7127 Data "Trachyphonia","Roughness of voice"
7128 Data "Evaporimeter","Instrument for measuring rate of evaporation"
7129 Data "Aboutsledge","Largest blacksmith's hammer"
7130 Data "Arachnology","Study of spiders"
7131 Data "Revetment","Retaining wall"
7132 Data "Borsella","Instrument for shaping glass vessels"
7133 Data "Fulsome","Nauseatingly affectionate, admiring or praiseful"
7134 Data "Pantagruelian","Marked by extravagant and coarse satire"
7135 Data "Ceramography","Historical description of types of pottery"
7136 Data "Vagile","Having the ability to move about"
7137 Data "Paedophilia","Abnormal love or sexual attraction for children"
7138 Data "Crebrous","Frequent"
7139 Data "Accessit","Prize for students in second place; honourable mention"
7140 Data "Spritsail","Sail extended by a sprit"
7141 Data "Nectareal","Of or like nectar"
7142 Data "Hagioscope","Opening in wall to enable viewing of altar"
7143 Data "Oersted","Unit of magnetic field strength"
7144 Data "Binnacle","Case in which a ship's compass is kept"
7145 Data "Adventive","A thing or person coming from outside"
7146 Data "Tiffany","Transparent silk-like gauzy fabric"
7147 Data "Rath","Prehistoric hill fort"
7148 Data "Encomium","Glowing and warmly enthusiastic praise"
7149 Data "Benthic","Of, like or pertaining to the depths of the ocean"
7150 Data "Bialate","Two-winged"
7151 Data "Myrmecophagous","Feeding on ants"
7152 Data "Stillion","Cask stand"
7153 Data "Pelurious","Furry; hairy"
7154 Data "Thrioboly","Divination using pebbles"
7155 Data "Idempotent","Quantity which does not change when squared"
7156 Data "Fenestella","Recess in church wall for storing communion vessels"
7157 Data "Osmesis","Act of smelling"
7158 Data "Valuta","Comparative value of a currency"
7159 Data "Penduline","Building a pendulous nest"
7160 Data "Phratry","Clan or tribe"
7161 Data "Rhombos","Bull-roarer"
7162 Data "Ombre","Shadowy; shaded; dusky"
7163 Data "Beatster","Fish net repairer"
7164 Data "Tribometer","Instrument measuring friction"
7165 Data "Brobdingnagian","Immense"
7166 Data "Scintillant","Sparkling"
7167 Data "Stegnosis","Constipation"
7168 Data "Ditheism","Belief in two equal gods, one good and one evil"
7169 Data "Banderol","Flat band with an inscription; small banner"
7170 Data "Chevon","Goat flesh"
7171 Data "Impropriate","To appropriate for private use"
7172 Data "Deuteragonist","A person who serves as a foil to another"
7173 Data "Raticide","Substance or person who kills rats"
7174 Data "Gladiate","Shaped like a sword"
7175 Data "Horal","Of, like or pertaining to hours; hourly"
7176 Data "Hepatology","Study of liver"
7177 Data "Hydrargyrism","Mercury poisoning"
7178 Data "Calorimeter","Instrument for measuring absorbed or evolved heat"
7179 Data "Zootaxy","Science of classifying animals"
7180 Data "Chrematistics","The study of wealth; political economy"
7181 Data "Iatrophobia","Fear of going to the doctor"
7182 Data "Jennet","Small Spanish horse"
7183 Data "Androlepsia","Governmental kidnapping for political purposes"
7184 Data "Trialism","Doctrine that humans have three separate essences (body, soul, spirit)"
7185 'Data "Rotameter","Instrument consisting of glass tube with free float for measuring liquid flow"
7186 Data "Vastidity","Vastness; a vast extent"
7187 Data "Tatou","Armadillo"
7188 Data "Fore","At an earlier time or period"
7189 Data "Whereuntil","To what"
7190 Data "Cliometrics","The application of statistics in economic history"
7191 Data "Emption","The act of buying; purchase"
7192 Data "Smalt","Deep blue"
7193 Data "Miniaturist","One who paints miniature pictures"
7194 Data "Instrumental","Indicating means by which"
7195 Data "Oligopsony","Market situation of few buyers of a service"
7196 Data "Turdiform","Like a thrush"
7197 Data "Diathesis","Particular condition of body or mind; predisposing factor"
7198 Data "Matachin","Spanish ritualised sword-dance or battle dance"
7199 Data "Metallogenic","Metal occurring as an ore as opposed to in rocks"
7200 Data "Glumiferous","Bearing glumes"
7201 Data "Opisthosomal","Of, like or pertaining to posteriors"
7202 Data "Agathodaimon","One's good genius; the good part of one's conscience"
7203 Data "Minuend","Number from which another is to be subtracted"
7204 Data "Forinsecal","Foreign; alien; extrinsic"
7205 Data "Jinker","Light horse-drawn passenger carriage"
7206 Data "Aposiopesis","Suddenly stopping in the middle of a speech for emphasis"
7207 Data "Barrateen","Some kind of fabric"
7208 Data "Archaeolatry","Worship of archaic things or old customs"
7209 Data "Pedological","Of, like or pertaining to soils"
7210 Data "Teleorganic","Vital"
7211 Data "Systyle","Having columns separated by a distance of twice their thickness"
7212 Data "Keraunoscopia","Divination using thunder"
7213 Data "Housel","The eucharist; the act of taking the eucharist"
7214 Data "Whipcord","Fabric with bold twill used for making dresses"
7215 Data "Sideromancy","Divination using stars; divination by burning straws"
7216 Data "Cullion","Mean or base person; rascal"
7217 Data "Hermeneutic","Of, like or pertaining to the interpretation of passages"
7218 Data "Eutony","Pleasantness of the sound of a word"
7219 Data "Testaceous","Of or having a hard shell; brick-red"
7220 Data "Baryphonic","Having difficulty speaking"
7221 Data "Advection","Horizontal movement of air"
7222 Data "Seric","Silken"
7223 Data "Graminology","Study of grasses"
7224 Data "Renitent","Resistant; reluctant; recalcitrant"
7225 Data "Triboluminescence","Emission of light caused by friction"
7226 Data "Aberdevine","Alternate name for the siskin"
7227 Data "Magnetics","Study of magnetism"
7228 Data "Adjudge","To decide; to award"
7229 Data "Scotophobia","Fear of the dark"
7230 Data "Peccavi","Admission of sin or guilt"
7231 Data "Alginuresis","Painful urination"
7232 Data "Yardang","Ridge formed by wind erosion parallel to prevailing winds"
7233 Data "Pornomania","Obsession with pornography"
7234 Data "Actinograph","Instrument used to calculate time of photographic exposure"
7235 Data "Kore","Ancient Greek statue of a draped maiden"
7236 Data "Orchesography","Notation of dance movements by means of diagrams"
7237 Data "Yelek","Outer garment worn by Turkish women"
7238 Data "Hamble","To mutilate a dog by cutting of the balls of its feet"
7239 Data "Ait","Small island in lake or river"
7240 Data "Sphygmology","Study of the pulse"
7241 Data "Zabernism","Misuse of military authority; bullying"
7242 Data "Gastrolith","Stone ingested by an animal to aid in digestion"
7243 Data "Pediculous","Lousy"
7244 Data "Luxmeter","Instrument for measuring illumination"
7245 Data "Serotinous","Flowering late"
7246 Data "Zebu","Ox with hump and dewlap"
7247 Data "Oremus","Roman Catholic liturgical prayer"
7248 Data "Jocko","A chimpanzee"
7249 Data "Antrorse","Turned upward and forward"
7250 Data "Skep","Straw beehive"
7251 Data "Vedette","Mounted sentry stationed to watch for enemy"
7252 Data "Concetto","Ingenious expression; witticism"
7253 Data "Dialectology","Study of dialects"
7254 Data "Maremma","Marsh; miasma"
7255 Data "Incipient","Beginning; in an early stage"
7256 Data "Libration","Apparent oscillation of moon's visible surface"
7257 Data "Odium","Hatred; offensiveness; blame"
7258 'Data "Zootype","Animal serving as a type; figure of an animal used to represent a deity"
7259 Data "Rubiginous","Rusty-coloured"
7260 Data "Ancipitous","Two-edged and flattened"
7261 Data "Impudicity","Shamelessness"
7262 Data "Subitize","To perceive number of items in a group without counting"
7263 Data "Adminicle","That which supports or aids, especially evidence"
7264 Data "Darraign","To vindicate; to justify or prove"
7265 Data "Chancel","Part of church containing altar and seats for choir"
7266 Data "Hereticate","To denounce as heretical"
7267 Data "Cedrate","Citron"
7268 Data "Kava","Narcotic drink prepared from Polynesian plant"
7269 Data "Skeletogenous","Producing a skeleton"
7270 Data "Waterage","Fee paid for travelling on water"
7271 Data "Hylactic","Barking; in a barking manner"
7272 Data "Antistrophe","Repetition of words in reverse order"
7273 Data "Calodemon","Good or beneficial spirit"
7274 Data "Zho","Cross between a yak and a cow"
7275 Data "Anogenic","Formed from below or beneath"
7276 Data "Naology","Study of church or temple architecture"
7277 Data "Argentiferous","Bearing silver"
7278 Data "Bobstay","Rope used on ships to steady the bowsprit"
7279 Data "Defluvium","Falling of hair"
7280 'Data "Xenodiagnosis","Diagnosis of disease by allowing laboratory-bred diseases to affect material"
7281 Data "Quarrion","Australian parrot like the cockatiel"
7282 Data "Poculation","Drinking of alcoholic beverages"
7283 Data "Feria","Weekday of a church calendar on which no holiday falls"
7284 Data "Toroid","Shaped like a doughnut or anchor-ring"
7285 Data "Zeppole","A variety of doughnut"
7286 Data "Inusitation","Disuse; disrepair"
7287 Data "Jumboism","Admiration for large things"
7288 Data "Hent","To grasp; to seize"
7289 Data "Dulia","Inferior veneration of saints and angels in comparison with God"
7290 Data "Rancelman","Local constable or law officer in Orkney and Shetland"
7291 Data "Symphonia","Old name for the hurdy-gurdy or other musical instruments"
7292 Data "Retiary","Of nets; using nets as a weapon; catching insects in webs"
7293 Data "Pelasgic","Nomadic"
7294 Data "Sybaritic","Devoted to luxury"
7295 Data "Asperge","To sprinkle"
7296 Data "Longueur","Period of dullness or tedium"
7297 Data "Hieropathic","Pertaining to a strong love of the clergy"
7298 Data "Trochilidine","Of, like or pertaining to hummingbirds"
7299 Data "Sociogenesis","Origin of human societies"
7300 Data "Micropalaeontology","Study of microscopic fossils"
7999 Data "XXX","XXX"

Hopefully, I may be able to attack my 'numberless' version, fingers crossed...

May your journey be free of incident.  Live long and prosper.


Quote from: johnno56 on Mar 29, 2023, 10:13 PMOk. This version seems to work ok.

Simply placed all the "Dim"'s near the top and exchanged all the P() arrays to PP().

Good stuff!

I've been swamped with other stuff tonight, but will try to give that a spin before I hit the pillow.


I was giving the "numberless" version a "look over" and I have my doubts. I think it maybe "array" related but a closer look will be needed. If it turns out that the new version is a "no show", then I could possibly go "half way" by "dressing up" the TRS-80 convert. Time will tell... Got chores to do... I will tackle this one in a few hours or so...
May your journey be free of incident.  Live long and prosper.


Quote from: johnno56 on Mar 30, 2023, 05:23 AMI was giving the "numberless" version a "look over" and I have my doubts. I think it maybe "array" related but a closer look will be needed. If it turns out that the new version is a "no show", then I could possibly go "half way" by "dressing up" the TRS-80 convert. Time will tell... Got chores to do... I will tackle this one in a few hours or so...

This should be pretty easy to remove line numbers.  The process:

  • first, change every goto line-number to goto label::::line-number
  • then, change every line-number that matches label::::line-number to label::::line-number
  • remove all remaining line-number values
  • finally, using your browser, find every occurrence of :::: ; for each occurrence, get rid of :::: and the line number; OR: consider leaving the line number if for any reason you want an easy cross-reference to the original code?

Something like that.

Hey, can I include this program you've got working in the published BAM samples?  It is a pretty neat example of really old BASIC code that works without a complete overhaul.

If okay, give me the stuff you'd like to have there that attributes the "BAM-ification" work to you !


Quote from: CharlieJV on Mar 30, 2023, 07:50 PM
Quote from: johnno56 on Mar 30, 2023, 05:23 AMI was giving the "numberless" version a "look over" and I have my doubts. I think it maybe "array" related but a closer look will be needed. If it turns out that the new version is a "no show", then I could possibly go "half way" by "dressing up" the TRS-80 convert. Time will tell... Got chores to do... I will tackle this one in a few hours or so...

This should be pretty easy to remove line numbers.  The process:

  • first, change every GOTO line-number to goto label::::line-number
  • then, change every line-number that matches label::::line-number to label::::line-number
  • do the same as above for GOSUB's
  • remove all remaining line-number values
  • finally, using your browser, find every occurrence of :::: ; for each occurrence, get rid of :::: and the line number; OR: consider leaving the line number if for any reason you want an easy cross-reference to the original code?

Something like that.

Hey, can I include this program you've got working in the published BAM samples?  It is a pretty neat example of really old BASIC code that works without a complete overhaul.

If okay, give me the stuff you'd like to have there that attributes the "BAM-ification" work to you !


The method of line number removal sounds great. I will certainly give that a shot. The current version of Vocab is purely "as it was authored" in the book. Just plain text. No formatting; colour or anything like that... I am currently trying to make it more colourful at least... But, if you want to use it, I have no problem with that... But, I think that the colour version, may be more suitable... lol  Conversion credit is appreciated but not necessary... after all... it is not 'my' program... The authors, Tom and Phil, deserve that honour. But thank you anyway...
May your journey be free of incident.  Live long and prosper.


Update: Line number modification seems to work ok.  Now to improve(?) the look a little... This is going to be fun!
May your journey be free of incident.  Live long and prosper.


My machine has been "up on blocks" for the past couple of days while it had to endure a rebuild and restore... I am suspecting a "flaky" machine... But, at the moment - fingers crossed -, everything seems to be running ok... (strange expression "fingers crossed" - must look that one up...)

Recovered Vocab and have started to add a little more colour... Ok! Making it 'less' boring... lol

As a test, I keyed in yet another TRS80 convert into QB64pe and, with a few tweaks, runs as coded. The fun part was determining how to exchange some of TRS80 character set to common keyboard characters... Yep. That put the "Ug" back into ugly...

I then ran a little BAM for...next loop to display the character set from chr$(33) to chr$(255) and noticed that it appears to be the same as QB64pe's character set... Cool...  The next step is to convert the QB64pe version to BAM...

Multi-tasking! Two projects! Who knew, right? I am surprised as you are... lol

Because of spending so much time on the rebuild, other chores which "I" did not deem as to have priority, were neglected. My significant other half has used the time-worn phrase of, "Well, those lawns are not going to mow themselves". Then I thought for a moment... just a moment mind you... With the right software; hardware modifications and a method of linking to the GPS... The lawns could be made to mow themselves... With the appropriate, "Ahem!", reality snapped back... You will never guess what I will be doing today? *sigh*

Hopefully, I should be able to get back to the keyboard, later today...

I just know that 'your' day is going to be better than mine! Have a great one!

May your journey be free of incident.  Live long and prosper.


Quote from: johnno56 on Apr 04, 2023, 09:01 PMMy machine has been "up on blocks" for the past couple of days while it had to endure a rebuild and restore... I am suspecting a "flaky" machine... But, at the moment - fingers crossed -, everything seems to be running ok... (strange expression "fingers crossed" - must look that one up...)

Recovered Vocab and have started to add a little more colour... Ok! Making it 'less' boring... lol

As a test, I keyed in yet another TRS80 convert into QB64pe and, with a few tweaks, runs as coded. The fun part was determining how to exchange some of TRS80 character set to common keyboard characters... Yep. That put the "Ug" back into ugly...

I then ran a little BAM for...next loop to display the character set from chr$(33) to chr$(255) and noticed that it appears to be the same as QB64pe's character set... Cool...  The next step is to convert the QB64pe version to BAM...

Multi-tasking! Two projects! Who knew, right? I am surprised as you are... lol

Because of spending so much time on the rebuild, other chores which "I" did not deem as to have priority, were neglected. My significant other half has used the time-worn phrase of, "Well, those lawns are not going to mow themselves". Then I thought for a moment... just a moment mind you... With the right software; hardware modifications and a method of linking to the GPS... The lawns could be made to mow themselves... With the appropriate, "Ahem!", reality snapped back... You will never guess what I will be doing today? *sigh*

Hopefully, I should be able to get back to the keyboard, later today...

I just know that 'your' day is going to be better than mine! Have a great one!


That kind of story deserves to be part of a weekly blog.  That's good stuff.

Hardware.  I have not dealt with computer hardware in a long time.  Mine is a "Chromebooks-only" house for the last 7 years or so.

My days are good.  5 hours / day doing the consulting gig.  1.5 hour lunch break, long enough to go for my daily 20-30 minute hard walk, and then make a nice lunch.

The doctor scolded me a year ago and told me I was heading towards type-II diabetes, so I've progressively cranked up the intensity.  Today, my walk involved an 8LB dumbbell in each hand, and a 3LB ankle-wrap on each ankle.  So hauling 22LB's on top of my own carcass: rock'n roll!

A little time here and there for either my bongo drums or my Native American Flute, and hobby-wise I've been focused on documentation.

Not enough hours in a day, but the days are getting longer, and the extra sunshine is awesome.

Mowing.  Pff, although we having mild weather, we still have snow on our lawns, so I don't have to think about that just yet.


Snow. Pff. The last time it snowed here in Melbourne was for 30 minutes on the 26th July 1986. Yeah, so there is no excuse to 'not' mow the lawns... I too have to cope with Diabetes. No injections yet. Mainly diet controlled and daily blood-sugars test. Lost 25kgs by cutting out sugar. (only one teaspoon each day - gotta sweeten the coffee, right?) Weather permitting, I will either walk or take the push bike, for daily shopping. Each day I have to take a tablet for the sugars and a tablet for cholesterol... and also try to eat healthy... Gotta do that!  Don't want the mortician to use a crow bar to pack me into the old pine box when the time comes... lol

Time to tackle some, what did you call it?, BAM-ification of Vocab and the 'new one'... Moo Ha Ha Ha...

But only for about an hour... A nice cool 21C today. No rain... or snow... No excuses. Coffee before breaking out the mower....

Have a great day!

May your journey be free of incident.  Live long and prosper.