Recording sound from mic with BASS lib (WAV format)

Started by ron77_db, Apr 01, 2022, 11:56 AM

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this code uses BASS library with freebasic to record sound from the webcam mic and save it as a file in WAV format.
it's just a small demo I made with a help of a friend. enjoy...

/' Feb 17 2022 a program to record sound from webcam mic and save it as wav file
using BASS audio library. started by ron77 and finished with help of mysoft

#include ""
#include ""
if BASS_RecordInit(-1) = false then
    print "bass record init failed!"
const sFILE = "test.wav"

type WaveFile
	_RIFF       as long  = cvl("RIFF")
	RiffSize    as long  = 36 'DataSize+sizeof(WaveFile)
	_WAVE       as long  = cvl("WAVE")
	_FMT        as long  = cvl("fmt ")
	_FmtSz      as long  = 16
	_Format     as short = 1 'PCM
	Channels    as short '> Channels (1=mono,2=stereo)
	Rate        as LONG  '> Sample rate (44100)
	ByteRate    As Long  'Align*Rate
	Align       as short '(Bits*Channels)\8
	Bits        as short '> Bits per sample (16)
	_Data       as long = cvl("data")
	DataSize    as long = 0	
End Type
Type RecordStruct
	pWaveFile as WaveFile ptr
	iFile     as long
End Type

screenres 640,480

function MyRecordProc cdecl ( RECORD as HRECORD, BUFFER AS const ANY PTR , LENGTH AS DWORD, pParms AS any ptr ) as bool
	with *cptr(RecordStruct ptr, pParms)    
		put #.iFile,,*cptr(ubyte ptr,BUFFER),LENGTH
		.pWaveFile->DataSize += LENGTH		
	end with
	dim as const short ptr pBuff  = BUFFER
    for N as long = 0 to (LENGTH\2)
    	var iSam = pBuff[N]\((32768\240)+1)
    	line( N , 240 )-step(0,iSam),10    	
    return true
End Function

var f = freefile()

'clear file
open sFILE for binary access write as #f
close #f
'open file to both read/write
open sFILE for binary as #f

dim as WaveFile tFile

with tFile
	'wave attributes
	.Rate = 44100 :  .Bits = 16 : .Channels = 1
	.Align = (.Bits*.Channels)\8
	.ByteRate = .Align*.Rate	
	'store header on file and start recording
	put #f,,tFile
	var record = BASS_RecordStart(.Rate, .Channels, 0, @MyRecordProc, @type<RecordStruct>(@tFile,f) )
	WindowTitle("Recording - Any Key to stop")
	'update wave file header and close
	.RiffSize += .DataSize
	put #f,1,tFile
	close #f
end with
