BAM: Using emojis in identifiers (occasionally, when helpful)

Started by CharlieJV, Apr 13, 2023, 05:02 PM

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I can understand the use of emoji's to 'highlight' a comment. Most IDE's have colour schemes that display comments (REM's) as a unique colour. Makes it easier to detect a comment. As BAM seems not to use colour schemes, then I suppose, an emoji could serve just as well. Using a "one colour" scheme, either use a blank line before and after the comment or just simply use indentation...
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Quote from: johnno56 on Apr 13, 2023, 07:04 PMI can understand the use of emoji's to 'highlight' a comment. Most IDE's have colour schemes that display comments (REM's) as a unique colour. Makes it easier to detect a comment. As BAM seems not to use colour schemes, then I suppose, an emoji could serve just as well. Using a "one colour" scheme, either use a blank line before and after the comment or just simply use indentation...

Cognitive disability over here, so I'm pretty sure much of anything that is helpful to me is going to be annoying to others.

I'm not colour blind, but I find colour not very helpful to me (if not annoying to me because I find certain colours hard to read, usually because there is only one background colour, and the one background colour does not always work great with all of the colours in a colour-highlighting scheme).

Strategically placed emojis, mixed/upper/lower case, underscores, spacing, indentation, and mixed use of brackets, i.e. "(" ")" "[" "]" "{" "}" , in long expressions are all of my gotos.

I'm kind of 50-50 re comments.


May your journey be free of incident.  Live long and prosper.


Unicode characters can also be used in identifiers. For example, it could be useful to make line labels stand out:


Gosub ➢Subroutine






Unicode was not even on my radar... lol  Sounds like fun...
May your journey be free of incident.  Live long and prosper.


Yeah, that thought just grabbed me from out of nowhere and right by the jugular.

For some things that I desperately need to easily grab my attention, emojis are good.

But emojis are a bit too loud and cutesy for most of my needs.

Unicode characters are a bit more subtle, so attention-grabbing without being obnoxious...