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Started by Tomaaz, Jan 28, 2023, 10:29 PM

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Arturo is a very simple scripting language written in Nim. Looks a little bit like Tcl, a little bit like Lisp. This example calculates Pi:

n: 3501
f: repeat 2000 n + 1
a: 10000
b: 0
h: 0
g: 0
c: n
while [c >= 14] [
	d: 0
	loop c..1 'b [
		d: d * b
		g: (b * 2) - 1
		d: d + (f\[b] * a)
		f\[b]: mod floor d floor g
		d: div d g
	c: c - 14
	k: h + div d a
	prints k
	h: mod floor d floor a

This one recursively lists files in the home directory:

loop list.recursive "/home/" 'plik [
	print plik]

Website - https://arturo-lang.io/


Quote from: aurelwhile [c >= 14]

this looks like Mark-MGA Oh interpreter  ;D

Any links?


Quote from: aurel on Jan 29, 2023, 08:13 PMIt was on old QB64 forum but now i am not sure
maybe on type -> QB64pe forum

Once upon a time there was an interpreter created somewhere by someone. No one knows where it is know. People say it looks like Arturo, but it's ten times more useful and better. Will it be found or is it gone forever?