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TheC64 MINI: Just received my order today

Started by CharlieJV, Oct 09, 2022, 03:21 AM

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The thing is really frigging cute, and the included games are fun, but the biggest reason I got it: for whenever I need to get my Commodore BASIC 2.0 fix.

I could have installed VICE on my Chromebook, but I didn't feel like going through the effort.

I do have VICE.JS working (that was really easy) so that I can play with C64 BASIC 2.0 and C128 BASIC 7.0, and that's fine.

But this C64 Mini really does the trick for this kid.  Cuteness of the little machine aside...

It only has two USB ports, so I picked up a 4-port USB hub to connect a full-size keyboard (PS2 keyboard, but with a PS2 to USB connector) and a USB thumbdrive for storage.  Which leaves me with two more available USB ports.

The package includes an HDMI cable (connected to my 27 inch display: sweet) and a USB cable for power (no power supply) which I just plug into my Chromebook, and a USB joystick (which many folk don't seem to like, but I find it good enough).

I would have liked to get the full-sized "TheVIC20", but I can't find it here in Canada, so this C64 Mini will have to do for now, and I can't complain my fist half-day in.

I might be tempted to get a USB 3.5 floppy drive, just to get that floppy drive sound when saving/loading external files.