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SDLBasic Suspended

Started by johnno56, Aug 06, 2023, 08:19 PM

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As a rule, when installing a fresh OS, the installation of SDLBasic is part of my "shedule" of  installed applications...

I just checked the SDLBasic forum website and reports that it is still suspended. the SDLBasic altervista website is still up (for downloads and documentation etc) but their link to the forum is down.

Unless some serious level magic occurs, I fear the only thing missing from the SDLBasic forum, is the funeral notice... R.I.P. SDLBasic... *sniff* *sigh*
May your journey be free of incident.  Live long and prosper.


Quote from: johnno56 on Aug 06, 2023, 08:19 PMAs a rule, when installing a fresh OS, the installation of SDLBasic is part of my "shedule" of  installed applications...

I just checked the SDLBasic forum website and reports that it is still suspended. the SDLBasic altervista website is still up (for downloads and documentation etc) but their link to the forum is down.

Unless some serious level magic occurs, I fear the only thing missing from the SDLBasic forum, is the funeral notice... R.I.P. SDLBasic... *sniff* *sigh*

Anything BASIC that bites the biscuit, that's a bummer.